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The Company

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@Pump said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive:

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Participants: The Company, Clandestine Mob.

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No one ever want to doubt about The Company being unbeatable in wars these days, no one want to play with them, the past week, Clandestine Mob's boss alongside with The Company's leader had a secret meeting which was done in the headquarters of The Company which was located exactly in Tierra Robodda, unknown location where usually operations of smuggling or transporations happen. Anyways, the discussion was about the secret of their success, the leader of The Company answered the questions honestly saying that it is obviously thanks to their doctors who work their hardest to get the best guns for the members of the gang.

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That's why, Tony thought about it really well, he has decided to start buying some packs from The Company. Even though, he let the deal slide in that meeting but in the next week, he has totally decided to send one special member who was James Rivala to the Company's headquarters in order to make the deal. Nevertheless, he has phone-called Mason, The Company's leader before anything to inform his about James's visit, Macon had no problems about it. James went to get ready, he literally brought money from the safe which was in Tony's office. After that, he got his favorite car "Comet" where he has loaded up all the money in its trunk. Therefore, he has gone to the headquarters of The Company directly with the easy way not worrying about officers since it was Sunday. It took him a total of two hours to reach the location.

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When he has reached there, he has found Kyle waiting for him just in front of the gates, he welcomed James so well inside then he has gone to the doctors' place of work where all the guns were stored, James was given the chance to try the guns, he was surprised to see how they are specialised and he liked them. After all, he has made an exchange of money & the subfactured guns.

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''A friendly favor - with Clandestine Mob and CIA''

Today, I was chilling, drinking coffee in my office when suddenly I get a phone call. I picked up the phone and it was a made-man from the Clandestine mob, trying to explain me that he was transporting around 20 kilograms of coke and out of nowhere, an officer pulls him over at the Los Santos - Las Venturas highway. If the officer chose to search his car, he could be facing more than 10 years in the can, which he is not looking forward to. I told him to be kind to the officer and just get enough time so I can come and take care of it.

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I ran to the garage, took my Audi and rushed to the Los Santos - Las Venturas highway to take care of business and help out my dear friend. As I was coming closer, I could see the officer at my friend's car, talking to him and it was pretty obvious that cop wasnt really happy. I parked behind officer's cruiser and slowly approached them.

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I started talking to officer and I asked him why he pulled over my friend, on which he answered that he doesnt have to answer me anything. It was too much noise on the highway so I told him that we will move our cars to the farm next to highway, yet he didnt want because he apparently doesnt take orders. I gave him two options - he takes orders from me or he will get a phone call shortly. He rejected my order so I went to my car, took my phone and pulled few connections.

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I came back and told the officer to pick his phone up when it rings. Few moments later, his phone rings and he picks it up. It was his captain and they talked for a bit. By the change of his face, it was obvious that captain is not the kindest. They finished the conversation, and officer was obviously shaked, telling me how sorry he is and saying that he will let my friend go without the smallest warning. I told him that everyone makes mistakes and misunderstandings happen frequently and that its not a big deal. I even gave him a few extra bucks so he could buy his kids something nice.

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Event Number: #779
Event Name : Last Man Standing
LWS/G6 : Blue
Prize : 1.000.000$
Winner(s) : Elotham
Screenshot(s): http://imgur.com/a/npgqIiE


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Event Name : Cheetah Race To MC Top
Prize : 1.000.000
Winner(s) : [TT] @NubBob
Screenshot(s) : https://imgur.com/a/pT5GABY

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Roleplay Number: #340
Role Play: By Smokey
Participants: @Garcia1999 @KARIM @Twister @Kiroa6Ko @NORI999 @savino
Helpers: @Nishki @Recklezz @Skinner
Story: On Tuesday at 23.30 28/08/2019 Between Las Venturas & San Fierro
Roleplay Titel: Smuggling A Heavy Shipment To A New Warehouse

Roleplay Story:

like all days in my career i went with brothers in the hood to get some drinks to end the night with, after a long day smuggling drugs for the dealers around las venturas & los santos, we start the night with small talk about who make the best success for the day as usual, its the only conversation that make u passion for a small drink to leave the day behind u, me and tiwster also kirosa we ordered 3 Beer and 2 glass of wine to ignite the party, but Nori went to order a whiskey with 2 ice he was tired and epressed about the day, i will not take the whole time to talk about us but this is how the story start,

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i received a call from MAX a drug dealer who i did make a alot of deals with back in the past and he was needed my help to move his shipment from the old warehouse in las venturas to a new one becuse the last location where he hides his drug get expose from undercover police who did buy the information from a pump working down street the problem is max have issue with it, becuse last night he didn't offer drugs to the club wher that pump work at,

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and he snitch about him to that cop for money , so the cop collect a squad and they trying to take him down today after midnight, and he seek for a new warehouse to take his shipment to safety, that's all evidence of breaking a law will make him get jailed for life , its was a half hour before midnight and my friends ( karim & zlatan and kirosa ) who i work with all the day without stopping just Now have taken there rest from a long day,

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i wasn't that guy who get high after couple of wine, i accepted this deal and i took my phone from my jacket, and i start searching in my contacts if i can find any friend who is ready to take risk for a mission like this, my mind was out of place i went deep and i start thinking maybe i have the key to solve this problem, i know a priest who is working in a church in san fierro near the beach,

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it is a good street and no one will doubt it and cops won't see this coming, they can't understand how a smuggler think, max love this idea he seemed to laugh and he did say this ( never came to my mindi that's why i like u Smokey ) twenty-five minutes remained i gave my friend Garcia a call to meet max in his house in las venturas,

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also get us two trucks and two drivers for the mission, and u need to charg the shipments in the cars, i will send u my location u need to be there as fast as u can, we run out of time u have fifteen minutes to do that,

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i switched off the phone and took my car keys taking the highway because it is the fastest to get to the city san fierro,

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nine minutes left i arrived the church and i was nervous if any problem maybe will happend on this mission, i start talking with the priest Glittery when he did meet me in the front of the church i gave him a call befor to left him know i'm coming to the church,

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to let him know that i need a safe room for some stuff thats need to locked away from humans eyes for a week, i didn't say what kind stuff is it and he didn't ask, we start chatting about old days and where life put us to and against who, in the end he's answer was ( smokey u gave me a salvation when i was needed it i can do that for you no problem at all ) , yes its was a long story between me and Glittery that i can't tell all but i help his daughter to enter the college, and i didn't think this favour will help me some day,

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in this time max did send me a message says that garcia arrived to his house with his friend who they driving tow van's one black and the other with pink color, he was checking if i send them, i gave him a call to let him know that garcia is one of my best friend and he is there for you'r job request to take you'r shipment and droped to my location when i'm waiting for you, also u need to come with him you must hide from the eyes of the police, maybe when we finish we'll head back to the bar for some drinks,

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when garcia know that we are smuggling a drug's to a church and this was fast decision because we didn't have that mush of time he get in his mind a great idea to cover the shipment with wooden boxes for more deception if any cop stopped them on there way to the church, his aides carried the stuff in the trunk of the van's,

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few minutes i received a call from garcia he seems near and only two kilometers away from the church left and i need to be ready forleading the operation, i called Hoover ower best pilot in the company to take eyes on the shipment and transport from the sky if anyone following them,

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ten minutes for the midnight and it seems this operation went good as max thought it well be, garcia arrived to the church without talking we start unloading the trucks from shipment ( drugs ) to the room who glittery alredy prepare that for us and garcia seems did a good thing he did put the shipment in boxes so no one will doubt and give the church a questions,

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, after we finish garcia and his two friends ( who did haired them ) went to ls to get everyone he's payment, in the meantime i talked to Glittery and Max about the day when i come back for those boxes and i will meet him after a short time also to take care about him self,

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then i went in my car with max and we headed back to the bar with a big smile on his face,

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