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[SUGGESTION]Unban Amnesty 2022.


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  • Hello guys, well in this summer, i noticed that the players count ingame have decreased, the maximum count of players daily at the top is 120, the average count is like 90-100 players during the afternoon, at the morning its like under 50 players online, its not like previous years when the count was going 150+ players daily in Summer as the season where many players play SAES, so i would suggest unbanning everyone to raise the count and hype it up, you did make ban amnesties before didnt you ? its also beneficial to get more people ingame and have more fun and amusement in the game, boosting up the server with more players ingame, there are many banned people so i guess this will help alot with the players count, so what do you think about that mens ?

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They are not banned unfairly or so , I and you know that those banned player have been banned for a various reasons (DM , Abuse , etc ... ) So this suggest isn't the best option to boost players count on the server . Therefore , They must add something new in order to boost it , as u can see there is a bunch of unsolved suggestions that haven't been replied or released yet so yeah , Ty for reading xd

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yeah ikr, but they used to do that in previous years, instantly in a surprise unbanning everyone when the count is low ingame, in every new year, back in the old times

no offense though but to be honest, i see less players playing ingame and low activity, as iam a guy who plays in saes 24/7, especially in Summer where its supposed to get tons of players online (back in 2018 - 2019 there were 150+ in summer online daily as i remember when i was playing as cop)

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Well this won't really help that much to increase the count of players because there are servers that got a ban list that is longer than SAES one and players count is still stable.

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Unbanning people won't bring this much activity as you think. You're talking just because you want to see some people come back. The server needs improvement and changes for people to come back or get new players to join

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@bobo said in [SUGGESTION]Unban Amnesty 2022.:

Unbanning people won't bring this much activity as you think. You're talking just because you want to see some people come back. The server needs improvement and changes for people to come back or get new players to join

@bobo with the help of our superior HQ nanobob this is not something to worry about

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im 100% sure the 7th bank that will be located in whestone will bring extreme activity to the server, so lets not try to improve activity at all! the action is on point!

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