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Part I:

Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28874/donation-point-balance/2?_=1635881269449

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32367/kodigo-s-reward-change/1?_=1659270849131


Part II: What I Want to be Removed

Vehicle 1: hotring racer, and remove all wraps from my cars in base z minus the cabbie
[s=]alt text
alt text[/s]

Vehicle 2: remove custom wrap super gt
[s=]alt text[/s]

Location: * Base Z

Interior: N/A


Part III: What I Want to be Added

Vehicle 1: Sultan

Vehicle 2: add new custom wrap super gt

Vehicle 3: Shamal LS AP

Vehicle 4: Bus (couch)

Vehicle 5: Monster (wrap zebra)

Location: Base Z

Username: eduuh96

Interior: N/A


  • Vehiles have been sorted as requested.

  • Awaiting 8 wraps to be added to the game as per; https://github.com/saesrpg/donation-vehicle-shaders/issues/476

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