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Part I:

Link your Donation Tracking Topic

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?

Part II: What I Want to be Removed

2 Helicoptero
4 Police LV
5 Police LV
7 Ambulancia
8 Police LS

1 10_lil_ Jatt Street
2 SF aiport
3 10_lil_ Jatt Street
4 Los santos Camels Motel
5 El Aczteca
6 BC Aiport
7 LV Hospital
8 Tierra Robada Church

Interior: n/a


Part III: What I Want to be Added

Vehicle 1: Car Bullet and wrap 1
Vehicle 2 Car Stratum and wrap 2
Vehicle 3 Car Patriot and wrap 3
Vehicle 4 Helicoptero Police and wrap 4
Vehicle 5 FBI RANCHER .and Wrap BOPE

1 10_lil_ Jatt Street
2 SF aiport

Username: Samuel3021

Interior: n/a



Hi, I've checked your donation tracking and you have 360 confirmed points but you have 27 vehicles and 13 custom wraps totalling up to 400 points ingame. I've removed the FBI Rancher off 10 Lil Jatt Street and the "Helicoptero" (maverick) from the SF Airport. (Btw you only had one helicopter as a donation reward, not 2)

FBI Rancher + 1 custom wrap + 1 helicoptero = 30 points

Please edit the topic and choose any reward worth 10 POINTS to REMOVE so that you can match up to the 360 points ingame too.

Or, you can edit this topic in any way you want. Just make sure that it all adds up to 360 points.


Hi, I was supposed to let you know. because I would delete other cars or donate more money to SAES. you removed my favorite car that was bope captain. please put it back and i will edit the topic or i will donate more to solve this situation.


This has become a clusterfuck and you obviously don't recognize your own donation vehicles as you keep insisting that a donation car belongs to your friend even though its literally in your /donations panel. I've removed whatever I could find that you wanted to be removed. Please take a good look at your donation vehicles and make a clean reward change.

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