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This is a manual post

TXN ID: 87051674R7823943K

Donation Amount: 25.00GBP

Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32659/donation-point-balance-bob?_=1657274667097

Vehicle Type:
Vehicle Colour:
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users)
Where you want it placed:
Vehicle Type: NRG-500
Vehicle Colour: N/A
Specify any upgrades: flowerful
Username to lock: rabyewiw
Where you want it placed: 9_brown_street
Vehicle Type: Stratum
Vehicle Colour: N/A
Specify any upgrades: blackice
Username to lock: rabyewiw
Where you want it placed:9_brown_street
Vehicle Type: Jester
Vehicle Colour: N/A
Specify any upgrades: colorful
Username to lock: rabyewiw
Where you want it placed:9_brown_street
(there is a 5 Points left i want to my with it my Bullet at O Base with wrap 2)

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