thestyle Posted June 29, 2018 Posted June 29, 2018 Event: #1028Type of event: Alpha race to top of MCHelper(s): best lws in the world @thestylePrize: 1.000.000$Winner(s): [HS]StyleScreens:
Zero Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 SF BR 8/8 #657
Zero Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 Turfing LS & BCScreens:
Zero Posted July 1, 2018 Posted July 1, 2018 RP #690@tefa said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:RolePlay With : SAFP,BSParticipants: @Mephsito @ZeroStory: After Klay Johansson Done his Meeting With The IAC Director He Got a Phone call From one in a gang Called " Black Syndicate ". He Greeted Klay then told him about an officer was bothering him and his gang was busy in the gang wars problems and he wants to kidnap this officer, Klay decided to meet him in his base so he took the address and took his car and went there. When he arrived The BS member's Name was: "Zero" He waved to Klay to come and he talked with him about the money then Klay took his weapons from his car trunk then they went to the officer's house. when they arrived The gangster Pointed at the House Then Klay Got his weapon in his hand and Rushed the house and took a rope and tied the officer hands and legs and took him in his car and delivered him to the Black Syndicate base, Then they talked a little with the cop then they killed him. Zero Gave Klay his money then Klay went offScreens:
Villain.R Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 RP #691@asesino said in The Company | Media Archive:Roleplay #(307)Participants: @Zodiac @Gonza @VillainStory:It all started in afternoon, when Mr.Asesino and his crew was doing illegal deals with another gang members. They were smuggling weapons among the gangs when one person came and saw what they were doing at Tierra Robada Ghetto, for one second the man stand quiet and on blink of an eye he ran, they couldn't catch him, he escaped. After a large run both side regrouped again in the Ghetto. Someone of them known basic information of him so that wasn't a concern. Everyone by their side but Asesino otherwise decided to get further information about the suspect. Later, after researching about him, he discover out that the man was being an unexperienced police of TRPD.Asesino didn't think twice, he was aware that the best way to don't let footsprint is to disappear the suspect head, now he known as Police. Around of 9: 10pm Asesino met with Gonzalo Martinez in base where he explained what were happening.But yes, Asesino and Gonzalo couldn't make this alone. Asesino seek for another one who can help them on the crime. Gonzalo, as he used to be astute, told Asesino to call Mr.Villain, a veteran member of Black Syndicate. Finally they were closer to rid the footsprint that they leave.Mr.Villain just arrived after some fews minutes. Everythings were planned, Asesino had everything under control. Asesino explained to Mr.Villain what he want to of him. After a small talk they made a deal with a reward back. They equiped the neccesaries things and went to hit the street.They arrived where agreed to. They found a good place where they can stalk their victim. Asesino therefore had a small talk, Asesino teach them where the police man used to patrol. They were ready to do whatever is neccesary to kidnap the police.They were waiting his victim, they were inside the car hanging around a small neighborhood, they even were losing the hope of find the victim patrolling at that time...For a while Gonzalo said "stop" when a police was walking to them, Gonzalo, Asesino and Villain went off the car quickly and aimed him. Gonzalo shouted: "Hands UP, moderfucker, don't move neither a finger". The police was shaking all his body and scared because all those weapons aiming at him. There were few people passing by sidewalk. They were astute and acted quickly before others police get noticed of them. Finally they got his ass in the car so they rided to base.When they arrived to base, they get down the police and guided to a dark place that only Company's member know.At end of all, they went chained him on a chair and hit him until cause his die."~Don't fuck with The Company"
Zero Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 RP #692@cornelius said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:Role Play Number: #84Participants in The RP: @ZeroRoleplay name: Back on track 1/3RP Scenario: Today I had a deal why my dear friend Zero about the drugs and guns I wanted to buy for my crew, after coming to him, he told he will sell to the other guy which offers more. Then I punched him in the face, telling why the fuck you didn't tell me about this? He started yelling fuck you bitch, not my problem you offer small money, then I said shut your mouth and if you want to fight come to Las Venturas Cross and bring your drugs, I will bring my new car. Then I met him and we started racing, Zero was close, but I still managed to win. So I followed him to his base and he gave me fair won drugs, that he could sell me, guess my skills are coming back!Screenshots:
Steve. Posted July 3, 2018 Posted July 3, 2018 RP #693@pump said in The Company | Media Archive:)Roleplay #(308) Gambling is their PassionRoleplay with: Black SyndicateParticipants: @Steve @Jasser @Daglow @XtreamStory: Lastly, All members of the motivated gang "The Company" were surprised by getting stolen. They've gotten some documents & files from their Headquarters. It was something terrible for them, they weren't thinking that this gang will get robbed one day. it got its effects for its member. They thought that they allies gangs will lose their faith in them, All was thinking like that until Their leader "Mason" got called from "Black Syndicate" for an urgent member that recommend an undercover F.B.I from The Company.So he has chosen "James" as this action didn't have any effect on him since he is trusting his allies. So The Recommended member called back "Steve" the one that called their leader to take some pieces of information about what's happening there.It was all about a specific scene from the gov that happened to them in the casino when they were gambling illegally like they do always, the other gambler was skinned as a gambler, when he lost, he showed them his police ID then aimed at "Steve" But his bodyguard escaped and he is the one that called "Mason" after he closed the Casino's door.When James reached there, Steve's bodyguard opened the door for him then he showed him where they were talking. James showed the officer his ID and talked with him that he will take this mission instead of him. Then he got paid from Steve 10.000$ but he made it back to Steve as a gift Saying:"NEVER LOSE FAITH IN ThC".
Denis Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 RP #694 -Increasing engine 1/2Participants: Black Syndicate and Venturas TunningsLocation: Los Santos(VT garage)Description:As everybody knows Black Syndicate is using vans for transporting ilegal guns,robs etc.We are doing it quality and trying to give our best to make our clients satisfied.I've decided to put into our van new upgraded engine. With it van will be safer and faster.I call my friend @Cornelius to helps me.He got brand new engine for us.I went to Los Santos in his garage to take a look. We loaded it into truck and I have transport it back to Black Syndicate base. Here will @Cornelius install engine into van and we'll talk about price there.To be continued in part 2.Screenshots:
Denis Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 RP #695 -Drug thingsParticipants: Black Syndicate and Overdose Crime(@Marwan )Location: Los Santos (villa)Description:Black Syndicate organizes every year for 2 times gambling tournaments.There are coming famous persons from gangs all over world. Gangs which includes much drugs and guns. We are trying to make it year for year more intresting and attracted so more peoples will come. Our leader decided to make in our gambling bar special room in which would be palce for chill with drugs. Something like "chill room".Event is near so the only problem is "drugs".He gave me task to find out good drug delaer and get some fresh cheap drugs.I was talking with few drug delaers and chose @Marwan .He said that he could get few kilos of drugs for us for cheap price.We agreed where we'll met.He brang his huntley with drugs there."5 kg for you"-he said."That's nice"-I said. 1kg is 5,000$ he said.I have accepted it and gave him out from briefcase 25,000$ for drugs. It's all about business so we wish luck eachother in future jobs .After loading drugs into Tantawy's and me glendale ,we went carefuly toward the base.Screenshots:
Steve. Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 RP #696 -It has been a nice deal.@mrwan said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:RP#16 - It has been a nice deal.It was a sunny day when OverdoseCrime members were arranging their boxes and checking out the work they've done through the week and planing some work for the future, They found out that they were In need of some weapons, they used a lot of weapons In their activities this week and they were In need of some more, not too much but some for the next mission, That's why Chris took out his phone and called Black Syndicate, He heard about them before that they're selling some good quality weapons so he wanted to try them out this time, He called Mr.Steve from Black Syndicate and they arranged a meeting In Black Syndicate's base In Las Venturas, When the time came, Chris took his car and his guys and moved to their base.When they arrived, they found Mr.Steve waiting for them with Mr.Lerov, Chris and Steve shook hands and started to talk directly about the deal, Steve Informed Chris that they were selling a lot of Ak-47 boxes and Deagles and they've a lot of offers for them, Especially for these two weapons because they've a lot of boxes and they wanna get rid of them fast.After that, Chris wanted to check out the boxes by himself and checkout their quality and where they were made and etc.., So he asked Mr.Steve If he can check them out and try one, Mr.Steve didn't mind at all and opened the trunk for him to show him the weapons, Chris started to look at them and started to take one by one trying them, without shooting just holding them and checking out the quality.After that, Chris liked the quality of the weapons so he turned back to Mr.Steve and asked them where did they get these weapons, He said that they were made In their factory in Russia, Chris was okay with this answer because he knows Russia's quality, He told Mr.Steve that he'll take 4 crates of Ak-47 and 3 of Deagle crates, They only costed Chris 3.000$ because of the offer.After that he asked Steve which crates should they take because there were some crates on the ground and others in the trunk, he told him to take the ones on the ground because they are the same, Then Chris asked his guys to take them from the ground and load them up in their car outside the garage.After few minutes they were done already, so Chris and Steve went outside too and Chris gave the money to Steve and he Informed him that they might come again soon for a possible deal.
Denis Posted July 4, 2018 Posted July 4, 2018 RP #697@cornelius said in Ventura's Tunings ~ Media archive:-=(orange)Roleplay=-Number: 59RP Name: Increasing engine 2/2Participants: @DenisStory: After I helped finding and loading engine, it is my time to install it in new van, I was tired so I told I will do it next day. I came to base and start asking how old is van maybe you know its electricity and its problems, maybe it got shot. He told it's never been shot or almost used, so he wants to take it and upgrade it, then I started to work, we couldn't lift engine and it was dangerious, so I used my hook to do it, after hard work, it was pay time. I came to his room which was really clean and rich looking place. And Denis just grabbed few thousands and gave me and said when you will need my help call me!Screenshots:
Steve. Posted July 5, 2018 Posted July 5, 2018 RP #698@wizax said in SAFP - Official Media Archive:-=(red)PART II=- -=()The Federal File=-Special Thanks to DJO for helping me to host this big RPMain characters: @Wizax @Brian @DJ0 @Hammer @Lynardz2 @Steve @devin @Tut [Some others DE and Squads member i couldn't see their names when we was RPing]Story: It's been 3 weeks since we lost our federal file. The criminals still do not know the password. This morning our Dispatchers found this criminal activity near Bon-Country Airport and after zooming in on the faces of the suspects they seem to be the same criminals of the last time. as soon as possible we respond. after long searching we found a large ship parked away at sea My radio did not work so I could not call back I informed my teammates that we should do it on our own unless we lost it again and i am not ready to lose it again We parked the helicopter and then rush and I took out my megaphone and yell but no answer. We tried to shoot the gardians but that spent the lives of one of our members but luck there was a marine unit patrolling the sea We brought the sick officer on his boat and back to the land. my radio back to work. I called heavy backup of Airborne units and Naval Units, within 2 minutes all responds After long shoting the criminals surrendered When i was about cuffing their hands the jumped to the sea but there was a boat waitting them down. I gave an order to all the units to follow them while im taking our the federal usb file. But the criminals have died so we do not know who gives them orders to steal our file.Screenshots:~~More screens on Imgure link ><-=()To protect with gourage to serve with compassion.-San Andreas Federal Police-=-
Steve. Posted July 6, 2018 Posted July 6, 2018 RP #699@josefrags said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:Roleplay Number:267Participants:@XpookS @SteveTitle:Drugs BusinessStory:After few days without any good drug deal we found a new customer for heroin and meth we got from Liberty City i received a phone call from a member from Organisation Zero he was interested in our drug products. we made a meeting in our base to make the deal.i welcomed him in the base and we had a small talk and introduced to each others then i showed him our drugs collection he liked meth and heroin and wanted to buy it . after testing it we set a price 30.000 dollar and i offered him a small discount 5%. we loaded his truck and he set on the road.Screenshots:
Steve. Posted July 6, 2018 Posted July 6, 2018 Event: #1029Type of event: Knock me offHelper(s): DuracellPrize: 1.000.000$ (250k each round)Winner(s): [HS]Style, Quiz, Denox, tez_kaRScreens:
Steve. Posted July 6, 2018 Posted July 6, 2018 @steve said in Black Syndicate | Media Centre:RP #700@josefrags said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:Roleplay Number:268Participants:@Arone @Steve @TheCoonTitle:Drugs Deal with new friendsStory:oneday I was at base once I received a call from BS called Steve he told me that he want some alchol for his gang I told him ok I told him to meet in a prop own by my gang in whetstone to be away of cops he told me ok after we end the call I went to get some alchol for them I started load them from the base after I put it in the car after I loaded it I checked the car and I found everything good then I started to move the way was very dark but I could reach there safely when I reached there I found cobra and his members waiting me I parked my car then I got out to talk to them Mr.Steve came to me and started to talk he told me that he want see the alchol for his gang I took him to trunk and opened it to show him he told me bottle does not look bad he asked me if his member can pick up one and try it I Of Course after he went to trunk and picked up one to try after he finished he told his Leader Steve that its very good then Mr.Steve told me tat he forgot is money but he has good deal he told me that he can give me 40 bottle for some ammo of AK47 I told I'm let me ask my gang after that I got out my phone and called high rank from gang and asked him about deal they told me ok then I went to Mr.Cobra and told him that we accept deal after he told me to wait until his member andre load alchol and AK47 I waitied until he finished after I told Mr.Steve goodbye and that if he need any more help call me he told me then I got in my car and started to moveScreenshots:
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