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Event: #1022

Type of event: LMS

Helper(s): Strong

Prize: 1.500.000$

Winner(s): Matrix~

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/GCZHRma


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Event: #1023

Type of event: Deagle 1vs1

Helper(s): M7mod

Prize: 1.500.000$

Winner(s): Pump

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/TwJTxt3

  • 2 weeks later...

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Event: #1024
Type of event: Chicken Shooter
Prize: 1.500.000$
Winner(s) [WA]JoseFrags
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/vFzUxEa


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Event: #1025
Type of event: Reach the roses
Helper(s) some pro lws aka thestyle
Prize: 5.000.000
Winner(s) none
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/Ss4ZPgh


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RP #689 - Transporting service

Participants: Black Syndicate and The Company
Location: ThC base, Whestone

Yesterday our brothers "The Company" bought huge amount of weapons, But they doesn't have pickup truck to transport them from A to their hiding place, Thus they've called us to help them in this situation.
And in a few minutes we came there to their base, they welcomed us then we entered to Mr.Killer's Desk, there which we talked about information, from where to where and ways that we will use them
Consequently, We started from ThC base and they escorted us to be saved from police or any other gang around however it passed successfully



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Event: #1026

Type of event: Chicken nader

Helper(s): @thestyle (who cares)

Prize: 1.500.000$

Winner(s): Flappy

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/8S7PXoq


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Event: #1027

Type of event: Fallout

Helper(s): best lws in the world @thestyle

Prize: 1.000.000$

Winner(s): [FOX]Abnormaal

Screens: https://imgur.com/a/zPhWggz

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