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RolePlay Number: 31
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital @Killer @Lerov99
RolePlay Story: [s=] Every morning cdc goes for some illegal races, There was a bet between Killer and Lerov the winner of the last one who reaches base has to buy the winner a dinner they turned cars engine's on and started the race!, suddenly Lerov has crashed in a building and he was stuck under the car, Killer saw that and decided to help his brother Lerov and he did! Killer helped lerov to get in his car and went to base to have dinner together and laugh about what happend [/s]

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RolePlay Number: 32
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital & @ghost-triad
RolePlay Story:
We received a call from a gang located in Los Santos knows as Ghost Triads, they wanted us to provide them 4 kg of heroine to respond to their needs. At first we hesitated to respond, many eyes were on us... we took the risk and we accepted the command. Our dealer manager called the gt's representant to confirm the deal and to negotiate about the price and the location of the meeting. They wanted us to supply it in their base. We agreed. Since it's our first time to deal with GT and the meeting location is inside their base, it was a little bit risky for us, they can be planning to do something stupid toward us. We sent a couple of our elite soldiers with the goods to protect our fellas. Today is the deal day, we left our base and we drove directly to theirs, luckily for us most of the police forces were busy with the recent terrorist attack that happened Couple of hours ago in the city.
We reached their base, our men took their positions and our negotiator went in person to speak with their leader to get to know each other and to plan for more profitable deals in the future. Everything was cool, they welcomed us warmly. We placed the goods exactly where they wanted it to be placed on. We shook hands we got payed and we hit the road back to our base.

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RolePlay Number: 33
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:
Lately we noticed that our cocaine and myth deals are decreasing day after day. We directly knew that either our street dealers started stealing us, or other provider has joined the city. We inspected little bit about the situation and we found that another producer started producing and selling cocaine and myth. Our profit was on the line, especially when they are selling almost with the half price that we are using. We decided to teach them a lesson and make them leave the city. One day in the evening couple of our robbers left our base, we they headed to their laboratory to cut the head of the operation.
We break in the location, we killed the security guards easily and we entered in their stock of raw materials and we throw Molotov at it. We fired some random spots and we turned the place into ashes. We quickly left their location and We hid in some un-suspect locations to avoid problems with the cops.


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RolePlay Number: 34
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:


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RolePlay Number: 35
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:
It's been a couple days since we ordered a couple of illegal supplies from our allied gang in Vice City, they informed us that they will ship our goods within this week. We received a call from them informing
Us that our goods should be in San Andreas by this night. We prepared and we went to l's docks in order to pick our stuff and leave. We have a corrupt captain on the docks of Los Santos and he is facilitating many things for us.
We met him, chatted a little bit, we told him what we need, but unfortunately he informed us that something wrong happened to the ship, they faced a really bad situation on the sea that obliged them to stop for a couple nights.
Well, it was such a disappointment for us, but it is what it is I left a tip for our agent and I told him to make sure to contact us whenever the goods reach the docks.


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RolePlay Number: 36
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital @Senpai-1 @Valmet
RolePlay Story:

One day me and comando da capital gang boys take a decision to rob atm near in Los Santos airiport. Girl saying "lets get on work boys'' Comando gang members jumped in cars and was in way to atm. Girl saying ''get that bat and hit to that atm so we can open that, boys take that fucking money girl was saying'' Money was takeed from atm and comando was in Sweet Ls tunnel.

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RolePlay Number: 37
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:
On the consequences of our latest movement against some industries in the city, the police forces arrested one of our Head Quarter's team, We have tried to break him out on our own but sadly we didn't succeed
Through the high amount of police forces around the police department. Couple months passed... Our informants told us that he will be facing a Trial by the one of most honest Judges around the city known as Keith T. Sizemore.
Our informants investigated about him and about his weak points and we found that we can threat him using his daughter. A couple days before the Trial we followed the judge out of the court till he reached home. We kidnapped him
And we took him by the bridge, we threatened his life and his daughter's, after a long discussion we managed to take his agreement. We rode him back home and lets see what he gonna do at the trial day.


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RolePlay Number: 38
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:
The vice leader and I decided to do a meeting at a fancy restaurant to speak a little bit about the future of our organization, and to plan what we gonna do in the near future with considering our resources
And the demand on specially the drugs such as Weed and Heroine cause of the high demand in the past couple weeks. We also spoke about the relations with the gangs that are doing business with
And we decided to filter some of them because they broke some of our agreements regarding business. We also decided to invest some of our money to help some families around the hood to gain their loyalty and trust.
After hours of discussion, we left the place and we drove back to our base
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RolePlay Number: 39
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:
Some of our local informant told us that some people around the city are starting to act big they didn't show respect toward us and stole some of our weed from one of our dealers in the hood. We
Was quite surprised of this, but since they acted we need to react to teach them a lesson and to spread the respect again and let people think twice before doing something stupid towards our organisation.
Our elite assassin was hired to clean them up and kill this 2 traitors. He drove around the hood, found the target and he shot them till death.
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Event: #69
Event type: : Kamikaze My Shamal
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s):@Judyes
Winner(s): @Kok
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Event: #70
Event type: : Kamikaze My Shamal
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s):@Judyes
Winner(s): @KaKi
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Event: #71
Event type: : Box all vs all
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s):@Judyes
Winner(s): @Rondaw
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Event: #72
Event type: : Face the Rhino
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s):@Judyes
Winner(s): @exotic0
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Event: #73
Event type: : First One to warp wins
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s):@Judyes
Winner(s): @Kok
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RolePlay Number: 40
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital @MilkySky @Lerov99 @Senpai-1
RolePlay Story: One day Mr Cranck called me and asked ''Hello do you need a tec-9 for 2000$ dollars?"
I answered ''yes for sure i need that gun'' They meet at Los Santos Airiport At 18:00 A clock. Mr Cranck has a white plane he is from Mexsico and real drugs,guns dealer of Usa and Canada. We meet this time is here we shakeed a hands with him and had a deal. He sayed to me i will call you again i have a more guns and drugs to deal to Usa. He asked me to be to hes Dealer i thinking a bit and sayd 'yes'' He gives to me a One of ballas hood member number. I called him and we meet at Balla hood. I gived to him a gun and sayd 'bye''.

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RolePlay Number: 41
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:
Lately there was nothing to do in the town, the last week was like a nightmare for us, we literally did 0 operations, my partner and I decided to spice the things a little bit and make an adventure that
Can provide us some extra cash for the gang and to have some fun as well. We planned to rob a lottery shop. Later on that day, in the evening, my partners and I dressed as robbers, we took our car, and we left the base to the shop location. We parked our car and we went inside quickly, the workers cooperated with us, some thousands of dollars doesn't worth losing their life for. We took the cash and we rushed back to our car.
It was an easy operation as expected. We returned to the base, we dropped the cash on the safes, and we went on our way.
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RolePlay Number: 42
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital & @Royal-Flush
RolePlay Story:
We received a call from a friendly known as Royal Flush and they told us that they need 20 Weapons type AK-47, 50 Hand Grenades, 2500 AK-47's Ammo to be delivered today, we gladly accept their offer. It took us 20 minutes to load our van with the goods, We took some of our men and we left the base heading to the meeting location. Once we reached the spot one of us went by the hill to spectate the movement around and to check if there is some suspicious things out there. We shook hands, we negotiated a bit and it ended up with accepting a good offer that can work for both of us. We showed him the goods, he was admired by the quality. We offered him a free transportation since he didn't bring any vehicle that can place the weapons and the ammo. We followed him to the base, we emptied our van in their garage and we drove back to our base.
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Event: #74
Event type: : LMS
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s): @Colo
Winner(s): @JukyPlatinium
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Event: #75
Event type: : Face to Face LMS
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s): @Colo
Winner(s): @Bisollini
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Event: #76
Event type: : Guess the ball
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s): @Colo
Winner(s): @MilkySky
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RolePlay Number: 43
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital & @Matrixx
RolePlay Story:
[s=]On a sunny day I was at the base drinking and drinking suddenly I received a call from someone who appeared to be from a gang called "Ghost Triads" where he insisted on me and told me that he needed drugs and he wanted to buy from us because he heard that we got the best product around SA. I was not the opposite. I asked him to come to the base to get an idea of the goods we were selling.
After a few hours the buyer arrived at the agreed place where we talked about the kind of goods we had and the prices. After he saw and experimented, the buyer seemed to be surprised by our goods. he asked me to give him a all of our stock and promised to come back tomorrow for another.[/s]

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RolePlay Number: 44
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:

[s=]One day we found ourselves without weapons, so I gathered all the members and we decided to go to the arms shop. We got there. And we started talking to him about the quantities of weapons and their types and especially the amount of money. We were carrying enough money, which was $ 1,000,000, but the seller asked for $ 3,000,000. That was too much. We tried with him many times to lower the amount but he refused and tried to kick us out of the store. That was the last decision he made, we killed the son of a bitch. After that we began to carry all the weapons to our Burrito and we headed to our base with our new weapons. It was a hard day but we let all the people know that we take what ever the fuck we want.[/s]


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RolePlay Number: 45
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital
RolePlay Story:

[s=]After passing a Long period without Any Drug/Arms Deal and a lot of Expense we've tried to Find a financial Sources but We failed, After Searching and thinking a lot we've decided to rob the bank. It's almost 12:00 in Los Santos everything is ready to move, we sent one guy to check how it's going inside the bank we wanted to know how many Civilian inside the Bank and how many Worker at this time. we he entered he founded only 3 Workers and 1 Security-man. he stepped out of the Bank and he informed us about the bank status. everything was fine so we brought our guns and we made an armed attack. when we entered the Bank someone lanced the alarm and it automatically called the Po-Po. we killed that guy and we start robbing. after a few, we heard Police sirens but we didn't finish robbing yet we got some people outside of the bank they attacked them, at the same time we kept on robbing. We took like 1.4 million dollars. we got out stock the money bags within the van and launched to our base to lay low for a couple of days/weeks until the air is clear for us to make another move.[/s]


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Event: #81
Event type: Face to Face LMS
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s): @Colo
Winner(s): @JukyPlatinium
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Event: #82
Event type: 1 hit kill deagle
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s): @Colo
Winner(s): @Bisollini
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Event: #83
Event type: Grenades all vs all
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s): @Colo
Winner(s): @Evans
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Event: #84
Event type: LMS
Prize: 1.000.000$
LWS Helper(s): @Colo
Winner(s): @Cha
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RolePlay Number: 46
Participants: @Comando-Da-Capital & @TMH-The-Motor-Heads
RolePlay Story:
My partners left our base to patrol around the city as always. We were driving around the city and we noticed that there is a guy sitting alone in his fancy car in an empty parking, well if we miss this opportunity we will be dumbs, we attacked the guy and we theft his car, he tried to act smart on one of us but he ended up dead.
Our mechanics weren't ready for this urgent call due the hard work that they were doing lately, we decided to call a friendly Mechanic from The Motor Heads, we called him we spoke with him and he gladly accepted our call. We drove directly to their garage. The mechanic gladly welcomed us, and started to work directly. After almost 2 hours of hard work, he managed to make many modifications, he changed the color, the plate and much more, you barely can recognize it because of his hard work we payed him with a good extra. After this profitable night, we drove back to our base with the bounty.

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