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^[Everything related to Blackwell - Intelligence.]

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^[![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/846507799936106546/883132847643328522/bwi-event.png)]
**Number of the event: #

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^[![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/883132943336353822/883133673174622268/bwi-roleplay.png)]
**Roleplay Number: #

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^[![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/883132943336353822/883133748743372850/bwi-operation.png)]
Operation Number: #
Operation Subject:


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Roleplay Number: #1
Participants: Blue, Reggi

^[ -=(FF0000)Chapter One - The plan comes to action.=-]

After pondering the idea of starting an agency Robert thought about how they would do it and what would be their first steps. So of course he called his partner, his brother Benedict. Robert called him and told him to meet him at this very chill diner in Los Santos to discuss how they would operate as partners again and open up some ideas on what to do as he has his hands on the politics of it.

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Once he got there they started to chat it up and talk about a bunch of things. Talked about the good old days before they joined the academy how they came from the streets and all they had achieved over the years. Then they got down to the business side of things. Benedict had just stepped down from his senator run after being very successful in the city of San Fierro, and Robert's price sector security firm was booming, combining the two of these has the potential to work flawlessly if managed correctly. After hours of discussion, Blackwell Intelligence was created.

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Robert asked Benedict if he would mind giving him a quick ride home as his taxi had taken off and he didnt wanna wait for another one to come. Benedict agreed and on the ride back once they got out they shook on it. Robert said confidently; I cant wait to work with you again.

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Roleplay Number: #2
Participants: Blue, Reggi, DarkSider

^[ -=(FF0000)Chapter Two - Doing the Ground Work.=-]
So the team meets up again to go thru the leads they got about potential properties that they could use as bases of operations in San Andreas. They first took a call about a few small places in Las Ventura's that we werent interested in, wasted some time to be honest, and then they got a call. A call from some real luxury hotel in San Fierro looking to sell and get out of the city. Kinda shady but hey they wont turn down a good deal. So they hit the road.

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So Robert and Benedict started to drive to SF to see this property in person, and wow it was perfect hundreds of rooms for safe houses and monitoring the area. They had to take it, a big chunk of cash in hand and the seller couldnt say no to them. Now they had the perfect spot for safekeeping all they need is the correct security and they can get to work.

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On the way back they got another promising call from a land owner who has a lot in South Las Venturas. Lots of lands and unique features, perfect size for our office and headquarters. So they decided to head up there and see it in person. It was exactly what they needed so then the negotiations started. The seller was steep on the price but they talked him down a bit. Big price tag still but it was worth it, they purchased the land and had a drink to celebrate. Then BWI HQ was born.
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