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Shaggy Reward Change


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Part I:
How much have you donated to the server? 30 GBP

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26634/shaggy-reward-change?_=1629998804160

Links to your donation topics:

============================================== == ====================

Part II: What I want removed

Vehicle 1: Glendale and burri

Location: (LVX / gucci0).

Interior: NA

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Part III: What I want added

Vehicle: Kart . Boat
alt text

Location: (I want the boat in the base of O I will tell you where I will tell the admin and the kart in my lvx house).

Username: (gucci0)


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Marquis added to O based locked to gucci0

Kart added to the LV X apartment complex locked to gucci0


Please read the above post

"ill show an admin in game" is not acceptable on a reward change, as such the boat will stay where it's been placed until your next eligible reward change (30 days)

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