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Your ingame username: l4ki1
Your ingame alias: Laza
Your year of birth: 1998.
Your gender: Male

Nationality: I am serbian nationalities.
Country of residence: Living currently in Serbia.

How long you have been playing SAES: Since the end of 2011, and the beginning of 2012.
Qualities you can offer : Let's say, a veteran player applying? It's been already a long ago since I have started playing on this community, during that period, I always spent my free time on the server, there was only a bit of rest when I had to go somewhere or some real life problems and the 2 months ago, I have just finished army. I've learned this game in my fingers, I know exactly everything about this game, because to be honest, around ten years is not a small amount of time playing here with different people. I consider myself as a forward-thinking person, I am not afraid to admit my own mistakes, I criticize myself with all honesty, for a some small mistakes. I am an also open-minded person who is always eager to learn new subjects and improve my skills. Therefor
Your weaknesses: So far as I know, nothing important that makes me not suitable to be a part of staff team.

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, using it mostly on phone.

Reason for application: I have skipped twice times to not apply, used to be in army and so on, in short sentence, real life matters. Therefor, I'm playing on this server for long enough to take another step forward with applying to become a staff member. I have tried many times singing for community staff, and unfortunately I wasn't suitable to be a part of team. I remember when I first time came to the server and there was nobody around to help me out within some things, as I was newbie and I didn't knew anything, so I had to learn it by myself slowly. There were ups & downs, but I left a good track behind myself during all this period.

Server Memberships: DE - SAFD - SAI - ZIP - CC and ALT.

Additional information: As you can see, already twice I have skipped the recruitment due to real life reasons, recently used to finish the army and so on, therefore I found a job,so now I have the time to share with the community.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Maybe I were muted and so on, honestly I can't remember.
Previous (legitimate) bans: Yes, I was banned once for multiaccounting, and for some bug in-game. All sorted out since then.

  • 3 weeks later...

Average application.

Unfortunately you have not been successful this time around. Try and help out more ingame and on discord to further express your interest and capabilities for next time.

Best of luck!

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