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-=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-#75

-=(black,red)Event Type:=-Chicken Shooter

-=(black,red)Event Prize:=-$1.000.000





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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-193

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-i was payning one Cop from Special Task Force for helping my gang to don't get problems with cops

-=(black,red)Story:=-Sir. @Pan from the CopSide they are here on Special Task Force group and i payning him per week one paymount for keep my members safe from Cops! anything happend with my members with the cops he's warning me and they helping him to escape and he's lyernin in the other cops for don't arrest some member from my gang. and per week i payning him some money for keep doin it and anything happening he's warning me.



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-=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=-133


-=(black,red)Activity Name :=-Night Activity 12 BBMC Members online 25.11.2018


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-=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-76

-=(black,red)Event Type:=-Chicken Shooter

-=(black,red)Event Prize:=-$1.000.000

-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=-LWS.. @Yoko_Kurama




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~[Event ( Number )]~(black,red) 77
~[Event Type:]~(black,red)Chicken Shooter
~[Event Prize:]~(black,red)$1.000.000
~[G6/LWS:LWS:]~(black,red) @Yoko_Kurama


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~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(black,red)194
~[Roleplay Title:]~(black,red) A Drug Deal With Organization_Zero
~[Story:]~(black,red) It was an normal day i criminal life. I was at base Watch a funny film on T.V with @SoulFly. Suddenly i recive a call from @Aboody he tell me that he want some weeds for a Pool Party so i leave my seat and go to some Green Weeds i was take a help from a mate because the deal was too big. Then we put it in the car Trunk and i go to meet him at The Heavy Metal Mine. There and after a long conversation we make the deal and I owed my gang a lot of money
2.000.000$ , and my boss needed some money so he will be too Happy and Proud.

~[Screenshoot(s):]~(black,red)https://imgur.com/a/XOc1Ny2 // https://imgur.com/a/g1rbKxR


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~[Event ( Number )]~(black,red) 78
~[Event Type:]~(black,red)Street Fight Boxing Event All Vs All
~[Event Prize:]~(black,red)$1.000.000
~[G6/LWS:LWS:]~(black,red) @Yoko_Kurama
~[Winner:]~(black,red) @Fad


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~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(black,red)195
~[Roleplay Title:]~(black,red) Buying New Weapons From Arms_Assassins
~[Story:]~(black,red)It was a very cold day. I went to our Club House to drink Something and relax a littel bit. There when i ask the waiter to give me a Vodka hey tell me that it finish also Wishky finish too. He tell me that there is only Beer so i take a one and i start plaining to rob a Alcahool Stor. I go back to base a take the Van But when i go to take a wepon i Don't find Ammo . Here i get Angry i call a friend from Arms_Assassins called @Velona and i tell him that i want some Ammo for
M4s & Snipers. He tell me that the meet place will be AA Base on the Sheap , so i take the Van and go to him fast. There i bought 50 M4 Ammo boxs & 10 Sniper Ammo boxs. The price was 35.000$ . After we make the deal we put it in the Van and i come back to our base to put it in the Weapons Crates.


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~[Activity ( Number )]~(black,red) 135
~[Activity Name :]~(black,red) Day Activity 9 Members Online 30-11-2018


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-=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 79

-=(black,red)Event Type:=- LMS

-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- 1.000.000

-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- @Zombie

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/vP3xJ2L

-=(black,red)Winner(s)=- @Rainy


@RocketLuncher said in The Blood Brothers MC Media Archive:

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Roleplay 1

Roleplay Title: Buying drugs

Story: when i was watching tv with Drak at the base i got called from CDC @Reus he told me he need 6.4 kg Maruana,so i told him to come in BBMC base to talk a lot about drugs and types he needed, when he come i show him all the types of Drugs i can sold him but he insisted to buy Maruana(grass delicious), so i care him and sold the type he want after he gived me the money in his car and i said "nice to met you".

Screenshoot(s): https://imgur.com/a/AmiNHO7


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~[Activity ( Number )]~(black,red) 136
~[Activity Name :]~(black,red) Day Activity 6 Members Online 01-12-2018
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@Hash said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive:

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~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(black,red)196
Date: 30/11/2018
Main characters: @RadiO from BBMC and @xxtimboBG
Story:friday the 30h of november I recived a call from ICE leader saying that our sources did found an informations about BBMC which is an MC gang specilate of selling drugs , This gang will transport their drugs in a truck from REd country to los santos , so this mission was given to me and @tim , we got ourselves ready , reload our gun ,wear our vestes and went on duty , we opend the siern and head immediatly to the given location , it took us only 5min to be there and see the truck coming , after 10m of chasing the driver decided to surrend , since he got no place to go where , since every ICE AGENTS is after him .. we did the arrest then we took him to ice police there where we will get more inforamtions about the load and the place where it will be transported to .


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~[Event ( Number]~(black,red) 80
~[Event Type:]~(black,red) Destruction Derby
~[Event Prize:]~(black,red) 1.000.000
~[G6/LWS:]~(black,red) @Kowalski
~[Screenshoot(s):]~(black,red) https://imgur.com/a/mdfOhTu
~[Winner(s)]~(black,red) @Chucky


@joker-dz said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive:
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~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(black,red)197

PARTICIPANTS: @xxtimboBG @cripz>mixpeko [BBMC] @Radio_
STORY: On Friday at 10.34 30/11/2018 Los Santos
Titel: 2 suspects are going through the exchange of guns purchase and drugs

So like everyday i start patrolling around Los Santos city with my friend on the Immigration & Customs Enforcement ' Timbo ', and when we was near to refuel our car and in few moments i saw two persones look like a criminals with a tatto on their boody and someone from them was speaking so quick with a low voice,

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so i prepared my self and i start following them to stop and in few seconds my eyes saws a weapon with something like a drugs or ...

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after that i was trying to wait for the moments that i can early stopped them whitout any problems and i succeeded in doing this,
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after that i told him to open the door and he was really scared about that,
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and when he opened the door i find 3 different weapons 'Deagle & AK-47 and UZI' and 2kg drugs... so i early called the unit to help me to arrest them and put them in the jail
after me and officer.timbo take them all the wahy from Los santos to @ice base,
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agent.joker start Investigation with 2 suspects after long talk with them they know what they did was break the rules .
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and start they ask for amnesty for what they did but the ruels is the ruels and the ice is the ice and i put them in ice jail to think what they did.
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we found with them Some suspicious goods : Deagle / AK-47 / Uzi / 2KG Drugs

Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/GQOegBq

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