Norwing Posted October 24, 2018 Posted October 24, 2018 -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 176-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- The intervention-=(black,red)Story:=- I was in our base with one of my brothers when I received a call to my phone I was an old friend and buyer then I quoted him to the base to negotiate because he wanted merchandise then we talked about it we negotiated and reached an agreement when we were loading the merchandise suddenly the police arrived and left us with no way out then we took advantage of Douglass was on the ground and escaped after that Douglass was on his way to LS to the prison then with my brother Dark we decided to help him we intercepted the police officer we pointed to Douglass we took Douglass and closed the deal.-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-,red)Blood Brothers MC=- - -=(black,red)If you dont use a gun, you will die as none=-
DarkSideR Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 **-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 177-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Kill FAKE MC Rebel-=(black,red)Story:=- We was drink beer in our club. We was bored. (we thought what we could do) Suddenly, i remembered FAKE MC Rebel. i've collected a few ~[BBMC]~(red) members. After that we started our engines, the way was over. We have seen one Rebel member, we went right over and gathered around. He was surprised what to do when he saw us. Suddenly he started shouting, He tried to run away from us because he was scared. Can he escape us? Never. :) we killed him. Rebel member died like a mouse.-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted October 25, 2018 Author Posted October 25, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 117-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 25.10.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=-
Leonidas Posted October 25, 2018 Posted October 25, 2018 -=(black,red)Roadtrip ( Number )=- 63-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Arkantos Posted October 26, 2018 Posted October 26, 2018 -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 178@taj said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 226.~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [BBMC]Arkantos[E] ( @Arkantos ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ).~[R]~(green)P Scenario: A tiring Thursday Afternoon for TMH Leader TaJ. Due to many petrolheads being out on holidays, much stuff stress had come on the leader's head. But that is his job after all, to control the group and keep it running no matter what happens around. Therefore after all this said and thought by the leader, he had agreed to control the LS Garage all alone today. His job was to cater any customer that bumps into the prestigious garage. While on his wait for a customer, just for what he had been staying there, a customer came. The person looked like a professional Biker with "BBMC" written on his jacket. In his fat American accent he asked TaJ to "look over mah bike's motorh. It isn't workingh like it used to. It's more like pushiing it while driving now.", The technician than got to the work as that's what his duty is and started looking over the vehicle. It was a forsure old bike with a heavy blowing motor. After a little in-detail inspection, TaJ found out that it wasn't a motor failure rather a airfilter trouble. The biker was busy riding the bike more than taking it's care. It's airfilter was full of dirt and unwanted particles, even leaves. TaJ then told the biker about it's miserable condition which wasn't allowing the Engine to have fresh air and burn the fuel in a better way to provide a better experience, and the rich biker asked him to "eh just fix it brahh.. add new one, I don't care." After this, TaJ went into the garage and got a new air-filter which was then installed by himself. Upon a final check the bike's revs had came alive as per it's owner. He was alot happy with this quick yet reliable and efficient service by TMH Technician. He then paid the amount asked and took his property, his bike, back to the roads along with his MC friends, or rather, Brothers.~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)::::
Leonidas Posted October 26, 2018 Posted October 26, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 118-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 26.10.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
DarkSideR Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 119-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- It was ~[BBMC]~(red) that won the ~[bloody]~(red) war.-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted October 27, 2018 Author Posted October 27, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 65-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Minigun Shooter-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- $1.500.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- [STF]Ramos<CoS>-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Norwing Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 179-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- The hard day-=(black,red)Story:=- I was at the BBMC base with my brothers when Douglass arrived and we started to talk I needed my help a large quantity of merchandise then we loaded the car and went to the LV airport where my brother waited for us with the helicopter we loaded the helicopter and took us to the LS airport where another helicopter waited for us to take us to the CDC base once we loaded the helicopter with the merchandise I said goodbye to my brother and we went to the CDC base once we lowered the load they paid me and finished the job.-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Leonidas Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 -=(black,red)Roadtrip ( Number )=- 64-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
DarkSideR Posted October 27, 2018 Posted October 27, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 120-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Active Members 27.10.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=-
Leonidas Posted October 28, 2018 Posted October 28, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 66-=(black,red)Event Type:=- 1vs1 DEAGLE BATTLE-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- 1.500.000$-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- [ThC]Reggi-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted October 28, 2018 Author Posted October 28, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 67-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Hide Nader Shooter-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- $1.500.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- [STF]Rsmos<CoS>-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Leonidas Posted October 28, 2018 Posted October 28, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 121-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Noon Activ Members 28.10.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted October 29, 2018 Author Posted October 29, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 68-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Shotgun LMS-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- $1.000.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- CripZ>Zaza-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted October 29, 2018 Author Posted October 29, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 122-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 29.10.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=-
Hash Posted October 29, 2018 Posted October 29, 2018 ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 180~[Roleplay Title:]~(red,black) the drunk guy~[Story:]~(red,black) Nothing new, having a normal day in bar , serving in the bar ,until on guy ( @SoulFly ) came in first time I see him around but it wasnt weird because a lot of passenger passes by everyday , he took a sit next to me and he asked for a beer , he drunk one ,three ,or four beers I dont even remember and by the 5 beer troubls started I gave a signal to @darksider to watch him with me , we didnt want to start the day with hitting someone on the face or getting in trouble, after finishing his drunk the odd guy was tottaly out of his mind he didnt want to buy for what he drunk, and started saying bullshit , we didnt to start a fight ,until from nowhere he showed his gun pointing him at darksider , and since he was drunk he couldnt realize that Iam holding a bat between my arms so shits ended up by knocking him down~[Screenshoot(s):]~(red,black)
Hash Posted October 30, 2018 Posted October 30, 2018 ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 181~[Roleplay Title:]~(red,red,black) The GIFTS's day~[Story:]~(red,black)Today,is quite special day it when we decided to clebreate the Gifts days , let me more explain about this , the gift day is a serial explostions we make for other gangs who tries to steal our customrs and take over the street ,lets more define it as the punish day , so we started with The poor few people who calls themselves Rebles, starting with heading to their base , and first step we did ,is to piss on their bikes , you pretty know that seeing this shity base makes you want to throw up , so after pissing we left some gifts under their van and even in their bikes , we took a great view away and we stood watching their bikes flying all over the pleace. Dear rebles we hope you did enjoyed our small gifts ,we promse for big ones soon . ..*Note :the gifts day haven't finished yet..~[Screenshoots]~(red,black):
DarkSideR Posted October 30, 2018 Posted October 30, 2018 -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 182-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Revenge time-=(black,red)Story:=- It was noon. We were wake up in the staff section of the bar. It was very quiet outside. I threw myself outside with the sounds of birds, I never seen Rebel members. It was a beautiful day for revenge. ~[BBMC]~(red) Member @Soulfly with me took our bikes. We stopped at place we saw the Rebel cars and bikes and we made a show of power. @Soulfly took the bat and hit the car and the bikes without mercy. In the end we destroyed everything.-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted October 31, 2018 Author Posted October 31, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 69-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Freeway Race-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- $1.000.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- CripZ>Zaza-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted November 1, 2018 Author Posted November 1, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 123-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Noon Activ Members 01.11.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=-
Griffin Posted November 1, 2018 Posted November 1, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=-124-=(black,red)Activity Name :=-Jailbreak-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=-
Hash Posted November 1, 2018 Posted November 1, 2018 ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 183~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) Thanks Rebels~[Story:]~(red,black) it was Saturday , I had nothing to do that night only hanging around ,I was close to Rebels base , until I saw one of their members kissing his girlfriend , and then he saluted here , she took her way home until I got the idea of a hot night , I couldnt stand of seeing her naked in front of me , and for my luck I was driving the van that night, so it didnt take me a long time to accelertate the van forwards and aim my gun to her head I set here in the van and I locked it from the back in case she wanted to escape , I took here to an emty motel, in nowhere , she spent all the stripping for me , totally naked all the night,and for pretty sure she had a wonderful night , getting my peins inside her vagaina , I swear that u could hear her screaming from 50km away , for my last words I envy you rebels for having such those Hookersspecial thank to @DarkSideR~[Screenshoots:https:]~(red,red,black)//
Hash Posted November 2, 2018 Posted November 2, 2018 ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 184~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) Ls HARbor~[Story:]~(red,black) 19:00 oclock , I ve recived a call from someone I was waiting for a month to call, it was Netro the guy who is responsible to transport BBMC weps and drugs by boats , he gave us all the informations about our meeting, the pleace , the time, The meeting was after 30min of his call in ls harbor , we took the truck since we expected a huge amount of guns and bullets, I was driving the truck and protected by @SoulFly and @Griffin who were driving their freeways , and we went forwads to LS harbor, there were we meet @ after greetings we went immediately to transport the goods to the truck , and we went back to base safely**~[Screenshoots:]~(red,black)**
Griffin Posted November 3, 2018 Posted November 3, 2018 ~[Roleplay Number: 185]~(red)@taj said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:^[]^[~[Calm down Biker, TMH is here to get yo' harley fixed, ''ASAP''.]~(black,green,green,green,black)]~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 232.~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [BBMC]Griffin[C] ( @Griffin ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ), TMH|Chemist|MoS ( @chemist ) & TMH|Blue|PP ( @Blu ).~[R]~(green)P Scenario: Another usual afternoon, sun was shining so was the spirits of TMH Technicians present at TMH's LS East Garage. TaJ along with Chemist and Blue were present there when a biker "Griffin" from the new big boys in town "BBMC" came. He told how he was very much worried for an extreme part of his life, his motorcycle. It, reportedly, was giving continuous troubles and the Self-start function wasn't actually working too often. Apart from this his headlights had gone too much dim at nights too which was more like a threat to his life on road. His leader had actually then suggested him the way leading to TMH's garage. He was hopeful on our services and hence TaJ assured him that his hope will get succeeded. Then the technicians, probably already knowing the issue, went on work. The fault, as predicted, wasn't a too much big of a trouble. It was a minor issue, it was fault of a old and weaken Battery. Chemist then went into the garage storage to check if they had a spare battery and to the luck of BBMC biker, they did. Technicians then replaced the battery and upon a final check the bike's revvs had "came back to life" as it's owner described it. Griffin then thanked TMH for it's valuable, quick and cheap services and paid the nominal amount asked. And yes, not to forget. The old battery was now gifted... gifted to the garbage bin.~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)::::
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