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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-131

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Member Securing

-=(black,red)Story:=- After a deprecating drug trade member of our motorcycle club has been kidnapped , we followed the kidnapper and track him through his location. after he recognize we are after him he tried to run from us with kidnapped member and tracked by us. after chase while one of our member taking care of dead body , we secured the kidnapped member we took him to safest airport afterwards to our clubhouse.



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-=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-41

-=(black,red)Event Type:=-Chicken Shooter

-=(black,red)Event Prize:=-$1.000.000




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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-132

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Unmarked Motorcycle Trade

-=(black,red)Story:=-Our member's deserve to drive best of best in their life , so we decided to buy new model , made by special works with other bike parts to a Freeway. That was too expensive to get , so we find out some of our traders which can sold us illgeally Unmarked. With cheapest price after lowest deal we got ourselves a brand new Nrgway-900 after deal we drove our motorcycle to our base.



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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-133
@hope said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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~[R]~(purple)oleplay Number: 376
~[P]~(purple)articipants: ~[BBMC:]~(red,maroon,sienna)@Wolf \ ~[STF:]~(#050e91)@Victor
~[T]~(purple)itle: Drugs Deal Went Wrong
~[S]~(purple)tory: Today i got a call from a guy from BBMC called wolf he want to buy another quantity of drugs but he didn't want weed this time he wanted to buy some cocaine packages since he dealt with us last time he liked our quality and he told his Boss about us so they will buy from us any kind of drugs they need because they liked our quality ,he wanted 10 boxes full of cocaine packages i said this will take a period of time since you requested huge amount of cocaine he said okay when you will be ready ? , i said tomorrow and we will meet in BBMC base then we ended the call , in the same time there was a cop from a squad called STF he was listening to our call and he heard everything we said so he prepared his police car and went to the location which i gave to wolf in the call after a one day in the morning i prepared my huntley and went to BBMC , i arrive in the evening i saw wolf waiting me inside BBMC base waving at me so i went inside the base and parked the car and in the same time Officer.Victor was watching us waiting for the perfect time to attack after 5 mins he decided to attack us because he saw wolf tasting our cocaine when he arrived to us he aimed at us and forced us to drop our weapons so we did what he said then he handcuffed us then he took us to RCPD to register our names in police database after he registered our names he sent us to the cells .

~[S]~(purple)creenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/2jfc9qejg/29ff972d/


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-=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-42

-=(black,red)Event Type:=-LMS

-=(black,red)Event Prize:=-1.000.000 $




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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 134

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Stealing Bike From Truck

-=(black,red)Story:=- I was wandering around. After a while I got hungry. So I wanted to eat hamburger. At the car park of restaurant I saw truck with lot of bikes. I decided to steal one of them. But first of all I must check its driver. So i got in to the restaurant. I were acting like talking to the cashier. I saw him eating burger. I got out from restaurant. I went to truck and lockpicked the bike lock. Bike was blue and seem like new. I got top of the bike and started its engine. When im leaving the place trucker got out of the restaurant and saw me. He was swearing to me. But I didnt care about him.

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/yGugc7V

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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 135

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- to sell Alcohols

-=(black,red)Story:=-While we was at our base we was drinking some beer we said that it's useless that we have a lot of alcohols and we are just drinking them and this is not getting us any profit so we decided to sell some alcohols to some people so we created a ad to tell everyone that we are selling a high quality alcohols and then in a few seconds someone called us and he was want to buy some beer and whisky then we told him to meet us at our base and he was living at richman street so we knew that he is rich and he can pay a lot so after he came to our base we bring our best alcohols from our warehouse to our base and he looked at the alcohols and he was looks like he is an expert in buying alcohols so he tested it and he found that it's perfect and with a high quality he gave us the money and we shake each other and then he left and both of us were very happy with this deal.

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://postimg.cc/gallery/2mgvys9yq/


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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-136

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- to sell guns

-=(black,red)Story:=-BBMC did a lot of criminal activities like story robberies and bank robberies they found that their ammo and weapons are few and they can't make more criminal activities without weapons and ammo and then after one of truker and the truker was have some Guns hear that BBMC got a few amount of weapons and ammo he told 3 of BBMC members to meet him at a parking lot next to rockshore east in base next base bbmc and after they came he showed them some of AK 47 and CS and some snipers and colt with a lot of ammo in his car then we checked the weapons and their quality and then we found that the weapons is great and perfect with a really high quality and then we told him that we will buy the weapons and ammo for 15K and he was so happy with this price and he didn't even say no and then we shake each other and we was happy with the weapons.



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-=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-43

-=(black,red)Event Type:=-Mini Dildo Fight

-=(black,red)Event Prize:=-$1.000.000


-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/oyFJjGN


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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-137

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-to sell some guns

-=(black,red)Story:=-We was resting in our bar in bone country then while we was drinking and playing someone called us and he was want to buy some high quality arms only from us because he know that we sell the best arms so we told him to meet us at red country and first we went to our warehouse, got some arms, and headed to red country for the meeting and we found him waiting us behind a big warehouse in red country we took him to a shooting range in BC and we tried the arms together and he was happy with the arms he gave us 20k for this arms and we took him with us to our bar in BC we drank a lot and then we had a fight with a group of people by wrong and then we ran away but both of us were happy with the deal.



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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 138

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Masked niggers drug reserves

-=(black,red)Story:=- We had to reserve drugs for masked niggers, because they actually paid the money in advance and told them they would buy a lot more drugs they just had to read the agreement rules and accept the contract after accepting the rules we parked the vehicles towards the depot door where we prepared the drugs we wanted the drugs they wanted were hidden in the custody transferring drugs from one vehicle to another all drugs are sequenced in turn and stored regularly in the vehicle after we finished all the transfer work, we talked to the masked nigger again the next time we contact you, we want you to give us an early notice they accepted it after everything is over we went to the masked niggas out of town.

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/zQ69pRa


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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-139

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-to ambush

-=(black,red)Story:=-While we was in the bar me and my friend heard that there is a trucker deliver some arms to our hostile gang so we decided to ambush the trucker and kill him and take the arms so me and my friend get in the car and we was heading to LV because we heard that the trucker gonna deliver arms from rockshore east in LV so we decided to wait in there until the trucker take the arms and deliver it to our hostile gang and after the trucker started driving we shoot his wheels and we forced him to stop then we stopped the car and the trucker headed out from the car and he was begging us to do not kill him and we killed him and took the arms from the truck to our car and we put a bomb in the truck and we ran away and we was happy because of the arms



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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-140

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-Alcohol supply to Mafia.

-=(black,red)Story:=-At the end of the month we had lots of booze left from our deals. And they re not just booze - top notch original liquor. With the help of our contacts we reached some customers but the best offer was from the best of the best. Recently (...) crime family had its reunion and they re throwing a party for it. They wanted five crates of liquor and stated that their own men will come and pick them up. Of course we respect the customer's privacy and accepted it. In the planned hour they arrived our base with a big van. Most of our members were armed and ready at the depot in case of anything unexpected. After a short talk we got straight into business and boom: A suitcase full of greens! Amount is same as stated in phone so we helped them load the crates. They took two crates of scotch, on of gin and two of vodka. Short before leaving they said that they will recommend us to their allies. At the end of the night we were tired but happy. Some bottles should be sacrificed for celebration.



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~[Event ( Number )]~(red,black)44

~[Event Type:]~(red,black) chicken shooter

~[Event Prize:]~(red,black)*1.000.000$

~[G6/LWS:]~(red,black) (ceo )@Arone



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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 141

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- to police check car we was have alcohol

-=(black,red)Story:=- We was heading to LV after we went to LS To get some alcohol from BBMC warehouse and while we was on LS-LV highway a cop told us to pull over on the right side of the road and we did it and he heard that there was some criminal activities in LS so he was suspect that we did one of them so he asked us a few questions and he checked the car and didn't find anything then he checked the car again and when we found that he found the hidden alcohol we aimed with our weapons at him and we killed him then we putted some explosives in his car and we ran away and after a few seconds the cop's car exploded and we found that there was someone watching us and he called the cops and told them about what happened and then the cops was prepare their weapons and cars to chase us.....



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-=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 77

-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 20.09.2018

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-=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 79

-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 21.09.2018

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~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 142
~[Roleplay Title:]~(red,black) The Helper MADE a deal
Story: So today we had new helper and for sure it wont be easy to be a memeber of us until we see that you deserve our trust and for winning our trust we decide to give our new helper a deal , and for this deal he was asked to take the van to CDC base where he met @Douglass there where he will meet him and talk to him about our load of guns and the price of the deal , and hopefull he have done this talk with selling all the amount of guns and makeing our client happy


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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 143

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Getting My Friend Out of The Jail

-=(black,red)Story:=- When i heard my friend got arrested because of drugselling i was in our bar. I quickly went to our heli and went to the prison. My friend was behind the gate of prisons car park. I lowered the heli and started to cracking car park gates code. It wasnt too hard for me because i got hacking skills. When the gate is open we just handshaked and quickly turn back to our bar.
-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/bcKjTCZ

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-=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 45

-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Chicken Shooter

-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- 1.500.000$

-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- [B~B]Nyx_

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/OyUUUJJ


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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 144

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Largest clearing and trading

-=(black,red)Story:=- It was time for the biggest trade in our gang history; Dozens of crates full of drugs in exchange of a truck load of arms and ammunition. Everything began in our warehouse after the big chopper heist trying to lose heat. Most of the choppers would be used by the gang however who can we trust for the rest of the load? Trusted members were arguing about this for days and yet they couldn't come up with a solution. Instead, solution himself came to us. Pink Hector, the goddamn drug overlord of San Andreas! One of his messengers visited us telling that they know about our heist and they would love to help us to get rid of all the heat. It's a known fact that Hector adores choppers and he owns a fucking motorcycle museum, so he offered us to buy the rest of them in exchange of some drugs of our choice. After an emergency meeting our president decided to sell them because of the trust built in the past deals. As drugs we chose seven tons of mary, which is the easiest selling item for us on the streets and bars. Rest of the load included 500 kilos of various pills and 1 kilogram of sweet cocaine for our platinum customers, mostly washed up actors/actresses of vinewood. Deal went as smooth as butter on toast. Goods were delivered in the warehouse safely. Inbetween we stayed a little for the annual calculations of our stock. Thanks to our bright accountant we discovered that our dumb probies ruined their guns this year more than expected and we will be short of gear in a few months. That's why we need to go for a second deal. At this time all we have is the drugs and actually they re quite sufficient. This time we decided to try something different and gave a call to the elite dealer with all those german arms which take an army of probies to break. Deal would be a little different as president said. First Herr Brezel will pick a container hiring site and stash the arms in the chosen hired containers and we will go and collect them to place our drug load. So a week later we got the start signal with the messenger delivering us the key for container. We drove to the place with the delivery truck of prez' cover brewery business. Place was so empty that we worried a little but from a building we heard the song which was set as signal. So we replaced the arms crates with drug packages - two tons of mary and all the coke we have. After the watchers verifying our load we we returned to the warehouse of our base to place the arms and ammo just like any other delivery man bringing beer to the place. No suspicions, no intel, no trouble. I guess all we need is some training to those dumb ass probies after all.

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/LxZ0lUm


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-=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 80

-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Morning Activ Members 22.09.2018

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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 145

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Rescuing a Friend

-=(black,red)Story:=- Our gang member @kAnnenki got arrested because of selling weapons. I heard about police going to transport him to Police Department for interrogating. I get my friend @Dodoo with me and told him to bring his big truck. We blocked the highway going to Police Department. When the police arrived he got shocked and tried to shot us with his pistol. But we were prepared. We got him knocked out and let our friend free.

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/OSJmFHb

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-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 146

-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Casino raid and persistent beatings

-=(black,red)Story:=- The UE invited us to his casino we agreed and went to their casino, we started playing games in the casino a friend took out unpleasantness and they entered a small fight with my friend we asked our friend what is the problem we asked. Then the casino leader came and threw us out of the casino we caught him at the casino exit and got him in the car. We needed a plane and we called a friend and we wanted a plane, our friend brought the plane. We all boarded an airplane and went to whestone mountain. Then we sat at the table and asked him questions and gave us the he is wrong answers, we were very limited because we tied her to the shed and we threw it down a cliff.

-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/xS0w5EN

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