SoulFly Posted November 3, 2018 Author Posted November 3, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 70-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Last Man Standing-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- $1.499.999-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- [TT]Arma-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Filex Posted November 3, 2018 Posted November 3, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 71-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Chicken Kicker-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- $1.000.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- Ramos-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-::::::
Griffin Posted November 4, 2018 Posted November 4, 2018 ~[Roleplay Number:186]~(red,red)@taj said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:^[]^[~[This highway trip didn't go as planned, right biker ?.]~(black,green,green,green,black)]~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 234.~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [BBMC]Griffin[C] ( @Griffin ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ), TMH|DJO|P ( @DJO ).~[R]~(green)P Scenario: TMH Leader along with an technician were at TMH Race station (ex Base) for special purpose technical issues resolving. Once the task was done and the race vehicles were now back in shape, both got free. When TaJ was just about to dismiss DJO and leave for some casual Sunday Cinema break, he received a call. The caller was some Biker from much renowned new biker group BBMC. The biker was in a miserable condition. At a time when he had to report to his president's call for an important meet, his bike stopped right in center of LV-SF Highway. He had now pulled onto the side of the road and was wanting somebody's help so bad. His mind then got struck of TMH. The famous, efficient and effective mechanics. TaJ then postponed the Sunday enjoyment plan and asked DJO to come along to fix up some stuff. They then reached the location and found the biker, in a sweating tired position standing right there waving at them. They then talked a little after which they went on working on his '11 Harley. The bike was looking all fine but the main trouble which DJO found, was lack of Coolant which made it overheat. The smokes were yet another examples of it's this condition. TMH then found out that they already had a coolant bottle in their towtruck's storage area. TaJ then got it from there and filled the bike with it. Apart from that, TaJ also re-checked the nuts and screws. It was all well and hence they both talked with the person. He was thankful after hearing to those revvs come alive. After this the asked payment amount was successfully received by the Technicians and hence they went their way to the Headquarter.~[S]~(green)creenShot(s)::::
DarkSideR Posted November 5, 2018 Posted November 5, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 125-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 04.11.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=-
SoulFly Posted November 7, 2018 Author Posted November 7, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =- 72-=(black,red)Event Type:=- Freeway Derby-=(black,red)Event Prize:=- $1.000.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=- [STF]Ramos<CoS>-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Hash Posted November 9, 2018 Posted November 9, 2018 ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 187~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) Rocket accident~[Story:]~(red,black) we used to like racing around with @Rocket , and we did like to burn the road with our bikes , but today , things did go as we always wished , in the middle of the race while rocket was speeding , he lost the control of the bike , and he crushed into a milerocket, it was only me in the middle of nowhere , so I had to call the ambulance and hopefull the medic @DarkSideR came up in within 2min , so he did , set rocket in the ambulance to picked up him to the closest hospital the end of the day , rocket wake up from his coma , but he was orded to stay in the hospital for no less than a week~[Screenshoots:]~(red,black)
FastYounq Posted November 13, 2018 Posted November 13, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 126-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 13.11.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted November 13, 2018 Author Posted November 13, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 127-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Jailbreak-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):**=-
Leonidas Posted November 14, 2018 Posted November 14, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 128-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Night Activ Members 14.11.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Hash Posted November 15, 2018 Posted November 15, 2018 ~[Roleplay ( Number )]~(red,black) 188~[Roleplay Title :]~(red,black) our zone~[Story:]~(red,black) it was me and @DarkSideR sitting in base , while we recived that one guy called is selling some drugs around in our zone , we took the bike and we went forward to his loccation, first we tried to communcitate with him and we asked him to leave but he didn't give a shit back , we did show our guns but nothing , he insisted to stay in , so we decided to take to the hardway , we toook our bats out , and we gave him some shoots to the head to kick him down ..specail thank to @ItzSpicey~[Screenshoots:]~(red,black)
FastYounq Posted November 15, 2018 Posted November 15, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 129-=(black,red)Activity Name : Night Activ Members:=- 15.11.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
SoulFly Posted November 15, 2018 Author Posted November 15, 2018 -=(black,red)Zone:=- Los Santos-=(black,red)Screenshot(s):=-
Skinner Posted November 16, 2018 Posted November 16, 2018,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-:189-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-:Guns/ammo/drugs trade!-=(black,red)Story:=-:we are 3 brothers and need found on gang to selling Arms/guns/Drugs we found The Wild~Angels @KARIM @Vincy for sell him we are need arms and guns for the bank rob to we have make on plans for the next Day! with @Spicey @SoulFly @DarkSideRWe have make deal to meet at The park near From Ghost Town! later @KARIM said go to base WA for get the guns/ammo/drugs we are taking it and later we @Spicey @DarkSideR @SoulFly go back for put the guns/drugs/ammo on the Garage for the Bank Rob to haved planed for the next Day!.thats it.!-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-:,
SoulFly Posted November 16, 2018 Author Posted November 16, 2018 -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 190@Matias said in CripZ | Media Archive:Roleplay Story: I was at the base when I realized I needed more ammunition weapons then I decided to call Soulfly arrived at our base I spoke a moment with him and we agreed a deal to exchange ammunition for a little of our merchandise then we went down and took out a little of my merchandise after that we loaded it into the trunk and went to the BBMC base when we got there down the merchandise Soulfly gave me the weapons I saved I said goodbye to him and I left.Participants @Matias @SoulFlyScreenshots:
Leonidas Posted November 16, 2018 Posted November 16, 2018 -=(black,red)Roadtrip ( Number )=- 65-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Leonidas Posted November 16, 2018 Posted November 16, 2018 -=(black,red)Zone:=- San Fierro-=(black,red)Screenshot(s):=-
Leonidas Posted November 17, 2018 Posted November 17, 2018 -=(black,red)Zone:=- Tierre Robada and San Fierro-=(black,red)Screenshot(s):=-
Leonidas Posted November 18, 2018 Posted November 18, 2018 -=(black,red)Activity ( Number )=- 130-=(black,red)Activity Name :=- Noon Activ Members 18.11.2018-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Griffin Posted November 18, 2018 Posted November 18, 2018 ~[Roleplay Number:191]~(red)@TaJ said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:^[~['Oh hello friends, AA. Let's have a functional tour of the ship!' - Part 1.]~(#bf1f54,#4b8a08)]Role Play Number: 248.Participants in The RP: [AA*]Chemist ( @chemist ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ) & TMH-H|Griffin ( @Griffin ).RP Scenario: A lovely Saturday afternoon. When many people enjoy a day off, TMH Leader TaJ was yet again there on duty at TMH Head Quarters on the Big Ear hill. This was the moment when, the recently announced friendship or rather an "Agreement" signed, was starting to pay off. The caller was a member from Arms Assassins called "Chemist". The assassin was actually TaJ's old friend and hence he had just called normally to greet his old dear friend. TaJ then asked him if he knew about the pact signed which he did and hence TaJ asked him if it was possible for him to visit Arms Assassins' Headquarters because "he had already heard about it, but never experienced the Ship". Chemist loved the offer to reunite with an old member and so approved it. He also asked TaJ to bring a Technician along because "there was a vehicle which fell ill".::::::TaJ then covered up the journey from 1 headquarters to the other historical one. He had brought a new helper Griffin who was a very talented technician who had just started the voluntary service and was free at the time. TaJ then asked him to get the tool box along and they both began the journey in TaJ's Murcilago. Upon their arrival outside the ship was Chemist who had been waiting since long to meet his old friend who was now one of the official friends of his own organization. This brotherly relation was something which both the men respected as they had been studying together in the university before going for different occupations of interest. Chemist then asked him to come inside the ship and park the vehicle at their storage.::::::After making an entry inside, TaJ and Griffin were amazed to look at those many vehicles and the way that ship was designed. Soon after, Chemist greeted Griffin with a kind little "Hello" and asked him to work on the vehicle which "TaJ might have told you about". The vehicle Chemist showed was a '06 Cheetah. The prancing horse had "felt asleep" as per Chemist because the car had lost many of its bhp and hence had slowed down after all these couple of years. TaJ then asked Griffin to have a little inspection over the vehicle. The technician then soon enough found at that the car's twin turbo had some failures and hence it was a bigger problem then something treatable at the base itself. For this, TaJ gave a TMH Whetstone Garage Visiting card where the Manager-in-charge can fix up a time and look over the vehicle in a better and more efficient way "any time the new friends wish".::::::After this, Chemist said "alright no issues we got many other rides for now. Will get that one checked as soon as I am a little free from here". This been said, Chemist showed us the way to upstairs where they had this big machine gun which, as per Chemist, was "fully functional, yet reserved for those special occasions". After this, they covered the distance to the ship's main desk where TaJ was completely mesmerized looking at that huge control unit. They greeted the captain and got to the ship's open deck where many more ariel as well as land vehicles were present. TaJ had gotten a look on a board which was lately been used as a shooting range by the AA members just for fun "as thats what they loved doing with it" in Chemist's own words. TaJ then asked his friend to borrow him a vehicle so as to try "my hand at aiming". After a little fun time there, TaJ had gotten an important call which had him moving back to the Headquarter for something important.::::::While back at the parking area, TaJ told Chemist that there are often times when he is working at different garages as well and hence TaJ might be present at the Whetstone garage in some days. Therefore it would be nice if Chemist could give a call before heading in. This then marked TaJ's time to leave the prestigious dangerous ship. Chemist then accompanied them the way to the gate where TaJ and Griffin started their journey back home with a little "Cya".::::::To know more about The Motor Heads and Arms Assassins' RP Agreement, Click here.-Thanks Arms Assassins for participating.
Skinner Posted November 19, 2018 Posted November 19, 2018 -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=-192-=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=-we gonna help one of members BBMC to escape when SAFP & TST transporting him in the Jail-=(black,red)Story:=-:my team from BBMC @SoulFly @dub1step @Spicey gang we gonna stay on the Whenstone Trees and we are know Where TST @NRG & SAFP @Sadro the way for goin my member @Darkl1ght in they Jail whe rush him somewhere in the Forrest and we killed him and we take back the Member from BBMC the @Darkl1ght and we gonna back to the Base!-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-:
SoulFly Posted November 20, 2018 Author Posted November 20, 2018 -=(black,red)Bank location=- Los Santos-=(black,red)Safe=- (8/8)
Leonidas Posted November 20, 2018 Posted November 20, 2018 -=(black,red)Bank location=- San Fierro-=(black,red)Safe=- (8/8)-=(black,red)Screenshot(s):=-
Griffin Posted November 20, 2018 Posted November 20, 2018 -=(black,red)Roadtrip ( Number )=-66-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-
Skinner Posted November 20, 2018 Posted November 20, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-#73-=(black,red)Event Type:=-Hydra Shooter-=(black,red)Event Prize:=-$1.000.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=-[ThC]Reggi-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-,red)Winner:=-@[NNB*]NORI
Skinner Posted November 21, 2018 Posted November 21, 2018 -=(black,red)Event ( Number ) =-#74-=(black,red)Event Type:=-Chicken Shooter-=(black,red)Event Prize:=-$1.000.000-=(black,red)G6/LWS:=-[ThC]Reggi-=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=-,red)WINNER:=-@Agent.X99
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