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Donation: Jordi (Amount 25.00 GBP)


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TXN ID: 5J7683869V210093C

Donation Amount: 25.00GBP

Requested Awards:


Vehicle Type: Skimmer
Vehicle Colour: #CD2F2F
Specify any upgrades: N/A
Usernames to lock: zapzzz
Where you want it placed: By the pier at the JUMBO Klan base

Vehicle Type: Sultan
Vehicle Colour: #CD2F2F
Specify any upgrades: V8 + AWD
Usernames to lock: zapzzz
Where you want it placed: The JUMBO boats by the LS Shore


I'll take both weed and weed2 on my NRG and Shamal respectively. Custom shader is on the way.

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.

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