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As you all may know, Hell Raisers MC have been struggling a lot these past few months, none of our members see the point in continuing anymore because we do not have fun as much as we did before. It was so fun climbing up to Level 2, but when we got it it just went downhill from there. We tried reviving the gang several times, but no interest was shown from our members whatsoever, therefore we have decided to close our Motorcycle Club and leave it in the dust. It was an honour to be the Vice President of this MC, so many great memories and so many fun times, it really was amazing. Thank you to everyone who ever supported us, hated us.. because you made it even more fun. This is where the story of Hell Raisers MC ends for now. Farewell. The entrance to hell is only a step away.

Some memories down below :)

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Also a big thank you for everyone who was a part of us. @Hell-Raisers-MC


Well was the best MC gang in SAES, i've spent good time when i was wannabe and member, Thank you @Woytex , @Franklin , @MrThomas and other members for the good moments we've spent together.

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