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Donation Bonus Rewards - June 2021

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We are reintroducing bonus rewards for donating from today (28th June 2021) until 1st August 2021.

During these dates, the following changes to donation rewards will be in place.

  • Donate 10 for a car and get a standard wrap free (instead of a total of 15)

  • Standard wraps are 2.50 (instead of 5)

  • Custom wraps are 5 (instead of 10)

  • Ingame cash reward is $200,000 per 1 donated (instead of $100,000 per 1)

These reward changes do not apply to donations before 28th June 2021 (if you donated in the previous reward bonus periods, please refer to those topics)

~[For those who cannot use PayPal, we now also support a number of cryptocurrency coins as a method of donation, please see https://saesrpg.uk/donate for more details.]~(red)

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