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Adis a todos desde el cartel de Medellin


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Dear Players,

It's been long journey with a lot of fun during the one and a half year. It all began with a small dream of the three cousins which became a big success with reaching the highest level, even if it was for 1 day. We still proved ourselves that we can do it. We had ups and downs but with the power of family we managed everything.

In the end, it was all about fun, but we don't see the fun in the game anymore. Therefore we decide to shut down Medellin. Better to close down as active gang rather than playing once a week and letting it die.

We would like to say thanks from all of our hearts to the @Underground-Empire for taking us since the day we got the spawn and giving us the opportunity to prove ourselves and help in turfwars. As we got welcomed, @Organization-Zero , @CripZ and @The_Outfit was big part and huge support in every single turf and outside of it. We became good friends and it was very cool together. After us @Hell-Soldiers joined it too and we had great times with you guys too, therefore thank you too!

Big special thanks goes to our lovely Alliance @CripZ which was standing by our sides for quiet long time. Thank you abiler, you were amazing alliance and great friends.

Last but not least, Thanks to all of the members which helped the gang to grow and get where it is now.


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Medellin ex Seor

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I'm sorry to see that, Wendo. I found a gang that I liked everything about, the gang members, the friendship between the gang members and so on. I'm really sorry as I was willing to stay with the gang forever. Thanks for a great time with you.

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