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[SUGGESTION]Kick/left reason logs


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Dear SAES Comunity,
Well a suggestion came to my mind and i decided to suggest it here, i suggest to add a reason to kick/left logs , here is an explanation: when someone leave the g/s/c it will just say he left in gang log, same when he get kicked, so my suggestion is to add reason in the logs when he leave/get kicked , here is an example (i forgot what the kick/left text log says) "name .. etc reason: going to cop side" so all members can know the reason without asking the HQ, some players will ask how he will write the reason ? so when he click leave/quit organisation a small panel will appear ask to write reason, same goes to HQs when they decide to kick someone out from the G/S/C , a panel will appear ask for the reason when they click kick member button.

Sorry for the bad english,
Best Regards.

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Such a smart and innovative idea that will sure benefit the players and should be implemented as soon as possible

I know that at 14 year old, hormone overload makes your imagination go boom, but maybe you should start jerking off a bit more so your brain will stop producing these kind of ideas

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