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TXN ID: N/A (By: @Formula )
Donation Amount: 40.00 GBP

Vehicle #1 Type: Buffalo
Vehicle Colour: 0004D4 + 0004D4 headlights
Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD + NITRO
Usernames to lock: Formula
Where you want it placed: my property: San Andreas Commerce Corp (I own this now would like the old owners donations moved)
Screenshot For Vehicle #1

Vehicle #2 Type: NRG
Vehicle Colour: 5300FF & 5300FF
Specify any upgrades:
Usernames to lock: Formula
Where you want it placed: my property: San Andreas Commerce Corp (I own this now would like the old owners donations moved)
Screenshot for Vehicle #2

Vehicle #3 & #4 Type: Jester and Hotring Racer 3
Vehicle Colour: (Jester FFFF00 + FF0000 headlights)
(HR3 F6C5B2/F6C5B2 + 0005FF headlights)
Specify any upgrades: V8, NITRO & AWD on both.
Usernames to lock: my property: San Andreas Commerce Corp (I own this now would like the old owners donations moved)
Screenshot for Vehicles #3 & #4 I want these parked in front of eachother with the Buffalo being infront of the Infernus

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