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Today it's NavM's birthday! Honestly dating back to a year ago I would've never thought the gang would come this far that I would be writing this topic.

A year ago 3 friends. me, Krecik and Petrow were playing together in an event where we suddenly wanted to make a gang for fun and laughs. Sharing the concept with two other friends who currently are leading NavM we created the gang.

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In the early days we honestly thought we would hardly get level 1. There were tons of other gangs createn and my perspective was if one of them closes they would merge with NavM (which didn't happen). The other thing we had done was recruiting new players to teach them the game and recruit interested people from other servers in MTA.

The first backset we got was when Lincoln was banned. The gang was filled with a bunch of new players we also had quite amount of adminjails and thought of closing the gang at that point. After a fair amount of thinking we took the decision to wait for the level 1 results and it was the best thing we had ever done.

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The gang has done incredible since then and only had a setback with myself getting banned which only affected the members to get hungrier and more fired up. Thanks to everyone who has contributed and thanks to every alliance we had to help us to help us climb the ladder!

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Amazed by the progress of the gang coming from a bunch of random jokers to the status of one of the big names in the server today it is time to declare the first birthday!

Stay tuned ingame for some suprise events!

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