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TXN ID: 9ST10024M4000613P

Donation Amount: 30.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Tahoma
Vehicle Colour:
Specify any upgrades: v8 & awd.
Username to lock: attar
Where you want it placed: In my property: Liquor Store Idlewood

Second vehicle: Maverick
Where you want it placed: in Fugitive's property: Uber 69 Cents Store

Third vehicle: Stratum
Where you want it placed: Same location as Tahoma

Donator spawn and role if possible.


Hey there, after speaking to an admin it seems like i can not put the maverick there, so im just gonna go for this one:
Third vehicle: Shamal.
Where you want it placed: BC airport.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @Arone thanks for donating! Donation confirmed by SAES' Discord bot.

Sorted the following:

  • Added to donator group in-game, added to donator group here at forums and added to donator role on SAES' Discord server. Arone#9081 is your Discord account, right?

  • Added 1 "Tahoma", 1 "Shamal" and 1 "Stratum" at the location(s) you've requested all owned by and locked to "attar". Use the command "/dvm" (without the " ") in-game to add more usernames (if you wish) to your donation vehicles, to locate them and to customize them. @Versace added a $ spawn icon to your Shamal's location.

Contact a SAES member in-game next time you'll be online to receive your money reward of 3,000,000$. If it's needed show to the SAES member your donation topic's link (in case they ask for confirmation).

You can still claim 1 medium interior for 1 of your properties. Please, contact a SAHA agent to get it sorted. If it's needed show to the SAHA agent your donation topic's link (in case they ask for confirmation).

Have a good day and sorry for the delay!

  • 2 weeks later...
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