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Dalb's change


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Part I:
How much have you donated for the server? 30 GBP.

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 16 december 2020

Why do you need this change? One of my cars has been removed and the other is based on my previous organization.

Links to your donation topics:

Links to your previous donation changes requests:

Part II: What I Want to be Removed

Vehicle 1: Kart

Location: SAFP base



Part III: What I Want to be Added

Vehicle 1: Infernus
Location: Bonestreet Appartment 6
As in the screenshot
alt text
Vehicle 2: cabbie
Location: Bonestreet Appartment 6
As in the screenshot
alt text

Username: dalboeb


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Unsurprisingly I'm not wrong.


It's a pinned topic, you can read it and it will reflect the information I've already told you. Police Turismo's cannot go at houses.

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