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Please fill out the following within 7 days of the post please;

Vehicle Type:
Vehicle Colour:
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users)
Where you want it placed:

For your money reward create an /ask and link this topic and a clan member will be able to issue the reward while you are online.


Vehicle Type: shamal
Vehicle Colour: random
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: (your username only, use /dvm to add additional users) zwolee
Where you want it placed: sf airport


Sorted the following:

  • Added 1 "Shamal" at the location you've requested owned by and locked to "zwolee". Use the command "/dvm" (without the " ") in-game to add more usernames (if you wish) to your donation vehicles, to locate them and to customize them.

If you want a $ spawn icon at your Shamal's location, please contact a SAHA agent to get it sorted. If it's needed show to the SAHA agent your donation topic's link (in case they ask for confirmation).

Contact a SAES member in-game to receive your money reward of 1,000,000$ (100,000$ for each 01,00 GBP).

Have a good day!

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