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TXN ID: 79B929406D658860C

Donation Amount: 50.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Shamal, Super GT, Jester
Vehicle Colour: Shamal: Sticker 1 wrap, Super GT: Weed Jester:Black
Specify any upgrades: Super GT max nitro, v8 engine, awd,
Usernames to lock: RachelRainbow94
Where you want it placed: Shamal LV Airport, Super GT and jester parked outside peeping trailer 10 El Quabrados
Also, Large interior on the peeping trailer 10

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.


Hey, sorry I didn't do it in game after asking for the topic, slipped my mind after the lag.

Both cars placed at your trailer, the super GT with the weed wrap

You need to pick an interior ID you want and someone from SAHA or an admin can add it

Shamal has been added to LV airport and an icon to spawn at it has also been added

Please use /dvm to modify the vehicles

By my calculations your 3 vehicles (30) + standard wrap (5) means you have 15 left to claim.

Please claim the next 15 here if you want and also specify the interior you want.

Thanks for donating.


Large interior 19
Put a go kart in front of the peeping trailer as a 3rd vehicle. Move the Super GT and Jester underneath the carport.
and put sticker 1 wrap on shamal
Thanks again!

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