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Assisting M BR at TR bank 14/05/2020


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Turf 14/05/2020


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Store Roberry 15/05/2020


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Delivering VIP 15/05/2020


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Assisting O BR at LS bank 15/05/2020


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Turf 18/05/2020


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Assisting in AA BR at RC bank 18/05/2020


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Assisting in BB BR at SF bank 19/05/2020


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Assisting in BB BR at LV bank 19/05/2020


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BC & RC Bank Robs 19/05/2020


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Turf 19/05/2020


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Assisting in O BR at SF bank 19/05/2020


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Delivering VIP 19/05/2020


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Assisting in X BR at RC bank 19/05/2020


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Assisting in GJMC BR at SF bank 19/05/2020


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Assisting in BB BR at SF bank 20/05/2020


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Assisting in BB BR at LS bank 20/05/2020


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Store Robbery 20/05/2020


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Turf 24/05/2020


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Assisting CripZ BR at SF bank 24/05/2020


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Assisting CripZ BR at LV bank 24/05/2020


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Assisting BB BR at LV bank 24/05/2020


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Assisting BB BR at SF bank 24/05/2020


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^[Event type: Chicken Shooter #399]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Omri]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/DW8zebM.png]


^[Event type: Rhino Shooter #400]
^[LWS/G6: @Zombie]
^[Winners: @Spicey]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]> ^[Winners: @Spicey]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MIjnyTf]


^[Event type: Chicken Kicker-Boxing #401]
^[LWS/G6: @Zombie]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Jeh~Profox]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Q33qXku]


^[Event type: Kart Fallout #402]
^[LWS/G6: @Zombie]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners:* @Legend ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/20il0l0]


^[Event type: TDM #403]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven ]
^[Prize: 4.000.000$]
^[Winners: @ILLUSION @Rowdy35]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Xmc95QM]


^[Event type: Reach Z using NRG #404]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: [ThC]Killerr]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qEI2paw]


^[Event type: Kart Race #405]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven]
^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Zwolle]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jo9BjoD]


^[Event type: Fallout #406]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven]
^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
^[Winners: @ANARCHY]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/skwA9ya]


^[Event type: LMS #407]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Brondy ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/hDeOAYT.png]


^[Event type: Air Box all vs all #408]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Griffin ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CXkEM3Y]


^[Event type: Sawed off LMS #409]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Nexroth ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Phc3KlI]


^[Event type: Chicken Kicker #410]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Krasava ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pGvKV7W]


^[Event type: Lucky Tube #411]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Rowdy35 ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wtfsWn0]


^[Event type: Last Man Standing #412]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Westbrook ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/upR6AU4]


^[Event type: Chicken Shooter #413]
^[LWS/G6: @Legend]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @SkulioN ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2QpswcU]


^[Event type: Chicken Kicker #414]
^[LWS/G6: @Legend]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: Smoggyzzz]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/8EmcSZR https://imgur.com/MJP9eom]


^[Event type: Air box all vs all #415]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Morpheus ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/6NF3z2c https://imgur.com/JFA4R4x]


^[Event type: Hit the mole #416]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: Petrow]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gLBg4uH]


^[Event type: LMS #417]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @fad ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/bh1Q7Co.png]


^[Event type: Avoid the grenade #418]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @redlive122 ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/oBT3u9y.png]


^[Event type: Last Man Standing #419]
^[LWS/G6: @Zombie ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Pazoo ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MvMy53h]


^[Event type: Chicken Kicker #420]
^[LWS/G6: @Zombie ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Judyes ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/memfZYS]


^[Event type: LMS #421]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Avengr ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/OKh16VQ.png]


^[Event type: Pubg #422]
^[LWS/G6: @Dufabo ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Dippo ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/sCEtoYl ,https://imgur.com/5JWFOKZ]


^[Event type: Attackers Vs Defenders #423]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 8.000.000$]
^[Winners: IKEA Team @hRL ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/vSdsMje.png]


^[Event type: Sea Battle #424]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 5.000.000$]
^[Winners: Pirates TEAM @Westbrook ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/cuHb3nv.png]


^[Event type: Destruction derby #425]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
^[Winners: Pirates @ANARCHY @Kaioshin ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/HSsk9Xl.png]


^[Event type:*PUBG #426]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 4.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Kaioshin ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/zhtS9BT.png]


^[Event type:: Sea battle #427]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 3.000.000$]
^[Winners: Redlive team's ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/lLiix42.png]


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Assisting UE BR at SF bank 24/05/2020


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Assisting CripZ BR at LV bank 25/05/2020


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Assisting BB BR at LS bank 25/05/2020


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Jailbreak 25/05/2020


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Store Robbery 25/05/2020


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Assisting BB BR at TR bank 25/05/2020


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Delivering VIP 26/05/2020


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Jailbreak 26/05/2020


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Store Robbery 26/05/2020


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Assisting AA BR at LS bank 26/05/2020


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Turf 26/05/2020


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LV & TR Bank Robs 26/05/2020


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^[Event type: Lucky Number #428]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 3.000.000$]
^[Winners: Team A @soniN ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/yCPL8eC.png]


^[Event type: Knock from NRG #429]
^[LWS/G6: @Dexter ]
^[Winners: 1.000.000$ (2 rounds 500k each)]
^[Prize: @RiseAgain @RadiO ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OCw0wgW]


^[Event type: Fallout #430]
^[LWS/G6: @XpookS ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @thebutcher ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Tz1l5Ll]


^[Event type: Reach The Roses #431]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven]
^[Prize: 20.000.000$]
^[Winners:* @Disaster]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vSxq0A8]


^[Event type: Hunter Shooter #432]
^[LWS/G6: @Zombie ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @MaZen20 ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/r04217R]


^[Event type: 1vs1 Rifle #433]
^[LWS/G6: @redlive122 ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Dexter ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/36tNgBE]


^[Event type: LMS #434]
^[LWS/G6: @Colobria ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @ItzMoha ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kkzuCcM]


^[Event type: LMS #435]
^[LWS/G6: @MrSolrac ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Petrow ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BmxLxZB]


^[Event type: Chicken Shooter #436]
^[LWS/G6: @MrSolrac ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Velona ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/F02Qxv2]


^[Event type: Parkour survivor #437]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @PerrooLocoo ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/lTHsRO3.png]


^[Event type: Boxing All vs All #438]
^[LWS/G6: @Element]
^[Prize: 1.000.000]
^[Winners: @Nishki ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4YjlKv8]


^[Event type: LMS #439]
^[LWS/G6: @Colo ]
^[Prize: 2.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Versace ]
^[Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Rt8mPPb]


^[Event type: Destruction Derby #440]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @JasonBourne ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/KqCYuqc.png]


^[Event type: Find Rhino and kill participants #441]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Greed ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/bm8SIP6.png]


^[Event type: Marathon #442]
^[LWS/G6: @Draven ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
^[Winners: @Capital ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/rJcRJsq.png]


^[Event type: PUBG #443]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.500.000$]
^[Winners: @Greed ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/O0Fee6b.png]


^[Event type: DD (3 per team) #444]
^[LWS/G6: @KARIM ]
^[Prize: 1.500.000$]
^[Winners: @Capital ,yassin,tanger ]
^[Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/ZjhauAX.png]


^[alt text]
^[Role play title: Green Liquid reconstruction]
^[Date: 20.02.2020.]
^[Participants: @Organization-Zero & @ZIP-Planning-and-Construction]
^[Story and pictures: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25/organization-zero-role-play-archive/249]


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^[Role play title: Right guns in the right hands]
^[Date: 30/04/2020]
^[Participants: @Leb, @Sanyok, @Leks & @tokiits ]
^[Story and pictures: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25/organization-zero-role-play-archive/250]


^[alt text]
^[Role play title: Easy Chance]
^[Date: 5/03/2020*]
^[Participants: @tokiits[me], @Sanyok, @Leb, @Draven & @BrandoG ]
^[Story and pictures: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25/organization-zero-role-play-archive/251]


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^[Role play title: Help GJMC to find the traitor]
^[Date: 5/17/2020]
^[Participants: @Turbo @Mannan @minx @Zan @Leb ]
^[Story and pictures: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25/organization-zero-role-play-archive/252]


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Assisting CripZ BR at RC bank 11/06/2020


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Store Robbery 11/06/2020


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Roadtrip 11/06/2020




Jailbreak 11/06/2020


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Activity 11/06/2020


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LV Bank Rob 11/06/2020


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Store Robbery 21/06/2020


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Turf 21/06/2020


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Some pictures from turf
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Activity 21/06/2020


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LS Bank Rob 21/06/2020


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Roadtrip 21/06/2020


Jailbreak 21/06/2020


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