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Your ingame username:Gold8/Saradona
Your ingame alias:Saradona
Your year of birth:6/7/2001
Your gender:Male

Country of residence:Sousse

How long you have been playing SAES: 10Year's
Qualities you can offer: i will everyone with my skills and respect and helping too as saha and helping the new players ingame teach them to read rules
Your weaknesses: I dont think that i have big weaknesses

Do you have Discord Installed: Yes.

Reason for application: beacuse i have more of time playing saes i wana try to join SAES Saha team beacuse i know everything in server

Server Memberships: @Los-Lunas @Cunning-Stunts @THE-MOTOR-HEADS
Additional information: Nothing Just thanks for reading!

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Nothing.
Previous (legitimate) bans: Yeah i got few bans.

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