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Making housing sexy again


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Since there is the 8 prop limit no one is intrested in the smaller inactive buisnesses because they just fill up space and are unsellable. Cant we make it so there is a 8 prop limit of props valued above x amount. And u can have a max of for example 15 smaller ones. Like shops with 1k of 4k income.

2 answers to this question

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In my opinion, using a property's icon price to determine its real value technically wouldn't work.

There could be a ''small'' house (as you say) which could be worth millions, just take a look at the houses near county banks, which directly kills what you're suggesting.

However, taking new updates and changes in the server within the time (addition of 3 new banks, introduction of VIP script etc) in consideration, raising the property limit could be a topic of discussion, although I should add, 15 properties one player is just too much.

There are 6 banks and 1 jail. Let's say you're a cop that wants to actively and quickly respond to BRs and JBs using your properties, that would occupy 7 housing slots already out of 8, leaving you with one empty slot. For example, that's the case with me, I own 6 properties next to 6 banks and 1 near jail, leaving me with 1 empty housing slot which can sometimes be boring, and even though I'm playing as a criminal now, I do really enjoy having properties near banks & the jail as those places are where the heat is mostly around. The property that occupies my last housing slot is a mansion I bought near my gang's base to park my donation vehicles, speaking for myself, it wouldn't be too bad if I had 2 more slots available.

I'd say make a poll about it and let's say raise it back to 10 properties each player, see what people think about it.

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@Terry my idea was not really to increate the limit on extremely valuable props and i think 8 is perfect. But there should be areas like for example small shops in ls arround pay and spray area. That all are inactive. When i started saes i liked to look for those inactive props. But now becasuee i own like 6 valuable props they are useless to me and others cause no one will buy them. So they just take up space. My idea was to have certain area's if a prop falls in that area to not let it count on the 8 prop limit

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