General Posted December 21, 2020 Author Posted December 21, 2020 This is an automated postTXN ID: 71770976DY392704KDonation Amount: 30.00GBPRequested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format belowVehicle Type: ~[3 VEHICLES]~(lime)~[FBI Rancher and Police crown vic (Crown vic and Rancher without the LED emergency lights on the car's roof, Crown vic and the Rancher only with LED emergency lights inside the car in the front windows and in the bumper)]~(yellow)and a second ~[FBI Rancher]~(yellow)Vehicle Colour: All black, Except for the second FBI rancher which I want a ~[dark-blue]~(navy) colour for it.Specify any upgrades: Most upgraded nitro for the three cars.Usernames to lock: ElPendejo, mrslowguy, Understaked015Where you want it placed: SAFP BaseFor any help with rewards, please check this topic.
Terry Posted December 23, 2020 Posted December 23, 2020 Hi @ElPendejoN thank you for donating :thumbs_up_light_skin_tone: Donation confirmed by SAES' Discord bot.Sorted the following:Money reward of 30,000,000$ sorted in-game (1,000,000$ for each 01,00 GBP donated due the Christmas 2020's donation bonus).Added your vehicle as listed below at the location you requested, locked to elpendejo.FBI RancherFBI RancherPolice LSUse the command "/dvm" (without the " ") in-game to add more usernames (if you wish) to your donation vehicles, to locate them and to customize them.Have a good day and happy Holidays!
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