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Konichiwa, your favourite weeb here

As I've returned from my lair a few days ago, I've noticed something regarding my donation reward being obliterated from me. I tried asking around what happened, some SAES HQs including Kain and Nanobob did not precisely care, while Terry and ILLUSION offered me some explanations. But after digging around a bit on my own, I'm still left confused on this entire scenario and I would heavily appreciate that you, @Brophy could bring me some clarifications.

Let's start with the beggining.

On the date of 5th October, Mellow donated 2$, 1 of which was on my behalf so I could access the Donator Forum Group (As it is what I can get as explained on this topic)

For almost a month, no one bat an eye and prior to a few days before 22 October (if I recall correctly) I took a break from SAES, not checking the forums until a few days ago, where Tut Greco explains why my donation reward was removed.

Fair point and understandable, even though I've dug around all Donation section to find out where this policy change took place (spoiler: it says nowhere about donations on behalf / that or I am a blind fuck) but what took my attention was this topic made by Terry on 16th November, almost a month after my donation removal. And the thing that interested me the most out of that topic was this, as I quote:

"You give someone in-game money --> He donates real money to SAES on your behalf = OK"

I personally did not pay Mellow anything to donate me that 1$, as he did it out of his pure angelic consciousness.

My questions are the following:

  1. How do you precisely donate on someone's behalf? From what I understood, I should have given Mellow my forum account to do the donation for me. But why would you even consider that an ok thing to do, when as far as I'm concerned giving your in-game account to someone else is not allowed. I personally, would not give my account to anyone be it forum or in-game (no offence for Mellow, we are hipothetically speaking) as the dude could claim to want to do something good and later on after I offer access, hijack the account (yet again not precisely pointing at Mellow, just hipotethically speaking).

  2. If donations on the behalf are allowed, why could I not find any suitable topic informations on it? What donation rewards could be considered suitable for a "donation on behalf"? Does it stick only to in-game vehichles or certain accesses? Because if I recall correctly, back when you could donate for the Vice City BETA Access, it was common for others do donate so other people would get beta access. Yet again, I don't dodge the possibility that i'm just a blind fuck and in that case it would be lovely to be pointed towards some information points.

  3. What happens to the supposed dollar that was offered by Mellow on my name? Could I make a donation change or something like that using the said TXN ID so you can keep track of it? Or is that 1$ lost in the oblivion?

Arigato for wasting time to read my 1$ thesis, hopefully this topic will serve as an attention for future similar cases, I will be waiting for an explanation @Brophy :face_with_tongue:

Edit: Forgot to add Mellow's topic that proves the donation on my behalf, here


@blizzard this is how you donate on someone else his behalf

~[Player 1: Player to donate money on SAES, but doesn't have it in real. So gives ingame money to player 2 to donate.]~(orange)

~[Player 2: Who will donate GBP to SAES on behalf of player 1 in exchange of ingame money]~(purple)

~[Player 1 will go here:]~(orange)

alt text
alt text
alt text

~[Player 1 will send the link from screen 3]~(orange) to ~[player 2]~(purple).

In discord the link will look like this

alt text

~[Player 2 clicks on the link and donates an amount to SAES.]~(purple)

~[Then a topic will get created by the forum account of player 1 automaticially.]~(orange)


You can't claim other people's donation rewards, if someone else is donating on behalf of you, it still needs to be posted from your account, and Cheess explained very well how it is done without giving away your forum account.

Your reward was reverted because you shouldn't have been rewarded in the first place, it's simple as that, there is no other reason behind it.

According to our donation policy standards, you can not claim rewards of donations made by other people. In other words, only the owner of the donation topic is entitled to receive rewards. What happened to the 2GBP that was donated by Mellow is simple, he received his rewards just like any other donation.

However, if there is going to be special exceptions to that, (f.e. Vice City Beta Access as you mentioned) it will be announced beforehand, so it's the best to keep an eye out on the forums for those occasions, and except those, the same policy is applied all the time.

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