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Razer's LWS Events


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Welcome to my Lightning World Sports events. Here I will post my events hosted for LWS. In game, I'm known as '' Razer ''.Here, I'll post all my events hosted for LWS.

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Hello! My name is Miguel Gutierrez. I live in Mexico, I am a very friendly but respectful person. I like to play video games since this game is one of my favorites, it has been recommended to me by a friend known to you since, I have had time playing this but never came back, even though in this quarantine it is a good idea to return with all the attitude, I am a person that he is passionate about learning new things.


i'm a funny guy, i have a lot of friends, my hobbies are to play sports and video games such as MTA. In-game, im known as Razer , im currently part of Tuga Thugs, i've joined the server in May 2020 and I belong to the ALT group.

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~[E]~(red)vent ~[N]~(red)umber: #
~[T]~(red)ype of ~[E]~(red)vent:
~[LWS]~(red,red) Helper(~[s]~(red)):

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~[T]~(red)otal number of hosted ~[e]~(red)vents: ~[4]~(lime)
~[T]~(red)otal money spent on ~[e]~(red)vents: $ ~[$16.000.000]~(lime)
~[T]~(red)o be updated.

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~[E]~(red)vent ~[N]~(red)umber: #1
~[T]~(red)ype of ~[E]~(red)vent: Box All vs All
~[LWS]~(red) Helper(~[s]~(red)): @Colo
~[P]~(red)rize: ~[$1.000.000]~(lime)
~[W]~(red)inner(~[s]~(red)): @mazen


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~[E]~(red)vent ~[N]~(red)umber: #3
~[T]~(red)ype of ~[E]~(red)vent: Hunter Shooter
~[LWS]~(red) Helper(~[s]~(red)): @Colo
~[P]~(red)rize: ~[$5.000.000]~(lime)
~[W]~(red)inner(~[s]~(red)): @Kodigo


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~[E]~(red)vent ~[N]~(red)umber: #4
~[T]~(red)ype of ~[E]~(red)vent: LMS
~[LWS]~(red) Helper(~[s]~(red)): @MrSolrac
~[P]~(red)rize: ~[$5.000.000]~(lime)
~[W]~(red)inner(~[s]~(red)): @Garcia


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