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TXN ID: 4Y920673GV070643J

Donation Amount: 30.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type:shamal with free versace skin added back at tierra airport my marker is there already, a helicopter with free versace shader next to my dodo at thc base exterior, a hotring 3 added to thc garage interior with free versace skin,
Vehicle Colour:
Specify any upgrades:
Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames)
Where you want it placed: ThC base and tierra airport

as well as the 30m donation money

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.


Sorted :cat_face:

Hotring racer 3 placed in Thc base, locked to "purpkush" and applied "versace" wrap
Shamal placed at BC AP, locked to "purpkush" and applied "versace" wrap.
30m rewarded
Medium interior added to "6 Ls Marina"

Thanks for the donation! Happy holidays :christmas_tree:

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