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TXN ID: 1JM26086PR269203J

Donation Amount: 50.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Picador
Vehicle Colour: #99004d
Specify any upgrades: N/A
Usernames to lock: killerboy5678
Where you want it placed: AA Base

Vehicle Type: Picador
Vehicle Colour: #99004d
Specify any upgrades: N/A
Usernames to lock: killerboy5678
Where you want it placed: LV at my house 6 alpine road

Vehicle Type: NRG-500
Vehicle Colour: #99004d
Specify any upgrades: N/A
Usernames to lock: killerboy5678
Where you want it placed: LV at my house 6 alpine road

Vehicle Type: Dodo
Vehicle Colour: #99004d
Specify any upgrades: N/A
Usernames to lock: killerboy5678
Where you want it placed: AA Base

Vehicle Type: Infernus
Vehicle Colour: brown
Specify any upgrades: N/A
Usernames to lock: killerboy5678
Where you want it placed: Embassy building SF

and money pls

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.


Hey @Kowalski thanks for your donation! Donation confirmed by SAES' Discord bot.

Sorted the following:

  • Money reward of 50,000,000$ sorted in-game (1,000,000$ for each 01,00 GBP donated due the Christmas 2020's donation bonus).

  • Added 2 "Picador", 1 "NRG-500", 1 "Dodo" and 1 "Infernus" at the location(s) you've requested all owned by and locked to "killerboy5678". Use the command "/dvm" (without the " ") in-game to add more usernames (if you wish) to your donation vehicles, to locate them and to customize them.

You can still claim 1 large interior (inclusive of the special mapped interior) for 1 of your properties, please contact a SAHA member if you want to claim it.

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