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Donation: Mannan (Amount 40.00 GBP)


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TXN ID: 51U256803E293493D

Donation Amount: 40.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: SuperGT
Vehicle Colour: sticker1
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: mannan123
Where you want it placed: 2 Muscle Parade in SF

Vehicle Type: Cheetah with closed headlights
Vehicle Colour: Gaymen wrap
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: mannan123
Where you want it placed: Zzezom and Rennie bumtown business in LV

Vehicle Type: Shamal

Vehicle Colour: sticker1 wrap
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: mannan123
Where you want it placed: BC airport

Vehicle Type: Statrum
Vehicle Colour: weed wrap
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: mannan123
Where you want it placed: 28 North street in SF
For any help with rewards, please check this topic.

@Brophy Confirm please ?

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8m cash rewarded.

SGT with sticker1 wrap placed and locked to mannan123.
Damaged Glendale with weed wrap placed and locked to mannan123.
Cheetah with gaymen wrap placed and locked to mannan123.
Shamal with sticker1 wrap placed at BC AP and locked to mannan123.

Interior #25 placed at 2_muscle_parade

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