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My team is in a need for a logo, and I've seen some crazy designs here. The logo is not for SAES, but I had a talk with SAES HQ member and it should be fine, as it will be used in a tournament

Winner will get a 15 Donation to SAES (Paid by me)

Here's what should be in the logo:
Name: Rajan Testaajat
Color: Your decission
Appearance: should look coo

Rajan Testaajat means Limit Testers in English, as in pushing your limits.

Winner will be decided in a week. If there's no logos we like, I'll instead reward bonestreet house and in-game cash for the best one we saw, but we won't be using it in the tournament.

This is because I'm also asking few other people outside SAES to make few sketches for a logo

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