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Donation: Niklaus(Amount 20.00 GBP)


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TXN ID: 7NM13726XA799682L

Donation Amount: 20.00GBP

Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below

Vehicle Type: Cheetah
Vehicle Colour: Gaymen wrap
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: (xxmrtrollstylexx)
Where you want it placed: LVX

Vehicle Type: Cheetah
Vehicle Colour: Gaymen wrap
Specify any upgrades:
Username to lock: (xxmrtrollstylexx)
Where you want it placed: LVX

For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
@Brophy Confirm please.

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Sorted the following:

  • Money reward of 4,000,000$ has been given (200,000$ for each 01,00 GBP donated).

  • Added 2 "Cheetah" with a "gaymen" custom wrap for each one at the location you've requested.

You can still get 1 small interior in 1 of your properties. Contact a SAHA member if you want to get this sorted.

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