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Inactive Donation Re-Placements


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How much have you donated for the server? 30-40 gbp i believe, enough for 2 cars with custom wraps and a plane with custom wrap

When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? ive never requested a change only requested first donation placement

Why do you need to change the location: inactive for a month and all donations where removed

Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/post/207726

Links to your previous donation changes requests:
Part II: no removals

Vehicle 1: versace bullet

Location: Thc base garage

Vehicle 2 : versace Super GT

Location: Thc Base garage

Vehicle 3 : versace plane

location: top of thc base

Username: purpkush

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Hey @PurpKush , sorry for the delay. You've donated 40,00 GBP in total which means you can get re-added back 4 donation vehicles (without any generic/custom wrap). 1 donation vehicle costs 10,00 GBP.

  • Option 1: A "versace" custom wrap costs 10,00 GBP which means you can get 1 "versace" custom wrap added to 1 of your 3 donation vehicles.

  • Option 2: A generic wrap costs 05,00 GBP which means you can get 2 generic wraps added to 2 of your 3 donation vehicles. You can check the generic wraps here.

  • Option 3: Get re-added 4 donation vehicles without any generic/custom wrap.

What option you prefer?

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Okay @PurpKush , so that list of generic wraps is outdated and needs to be updated. After consulting mister Tutti Frutti the "versace" wrap you are requesting is a generic wrap and not a custom wrap. This means that we'll go with the option 2 mentioned before.

You'll get 3 donation vehicles re-added back at ThC base (the ones you've mentioned in your topic) and only 2 of them will have a "versace" generic wrap.

  • 3 donation vehicles = 30,00 GBP.

  • 2 "versace" generic wraps = 10,00 GBP.

Thanks for the patience and sorry for the delay. Other admin (or myself) will sort this tomorrow. :)

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  • Added 1 "Bullet" with a "versace" generic wrap at the location you've requested.

  • Added 1 "SuperGT" with a "versace" generic wrap at the location you've requested.

  • Added 1 "Dodo" at the location you've requested.

All the donation vehicles from above are owned by and locked to "purpkush". Use the command "/dvm" (without the " ") in-game to add more usernames (if you wish) to your donation vehicles, to customize them and to locate them.

Btw you've requested a plane to get re-added but you didn't specify which plane you want so I've placed a Dodo at top of mountains of ThC's base. I don't know if you wanted a Dodo or not... or a Shamal. If you want a Shamal instead it can't be placed at ThC's base as Shamals can only be placed at airports. If you want the Dodo replaced with a Shamal instead in some airport let me know and I'll make the change.

Topic locked and moved to the archive.

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