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Roleplay #104
Personal Roleplay 2#
Participants: Cena - mazen - daniz
**Description:**At morning with my job came to SF , this day i started to work hard and i got my car and i went around SA to check it and see if anyone needs help or smth like that , and i was happy too because i am helping people etc and after 1 hour from my checking around , i went to my base and in moment i got phone from my friend and he said there is war at SF and need medic help , fast i got my car and i went to there and i saw the war and after it finished i saw 1 person hurt then i tried to give him some bandage but he needed a operation because he hurt in his legs then i took him into my car and i went to my Base i up to Operations room and i tried to do the operation and The operation succeeded and it was good thing and i checked his Pressure and he thanked me and he was very happy too
Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/vYQ6bcB
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Roleplay: #105
Personal Roleplay: #10
Participants: @Lescano @Ovalles
Description: Today we built a mobile emergency center, as a campaign method to test COVID-19. We received several interested in taking the test. Fortunately, none was positive for the COVID-19 test. Taking advantage of the occasion, we made a complete diagnosis to our volunteers. The first one knew that he suffered from hypertension, for which he underwent a temporary treatment, while he managed to get an appointment with a doctor, another of the patients had high levels of sugar, so he also reserved a place to visit the doctor. and get into treatment. Luckily everyone is in good health and we remind you of the importance of being at home.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SB3dCpg
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Roleplay # 107
Personal Roleplay # 1
Participants: @tokiits @Jemmyx46 @Rocoso @Dzmo @NoobPRO @UnaKadava

@tokiits said in [PROFILE] Travis Blake:

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SAI member who you were with: Jemain West ( @Jemmyx46 ) & BobLee Swagger ( @Rocoso )

Other involved people: @Dzmo - Overdosed civilian, @FTH - SAM, @NoobPRO - Medic, @UnaKadava - SAM,

Date, time and duration of Activity: 7/16/2020 & 18:59 - 19:37

Type of Activity: Role Play - Driving overdosed

Patrol details: We're in our patrol whit Deputy Jemain West, driving around Las Venturas - Los Santos highway, and in one moment saw ''Burrito'' in middle of the road, we pulled in front of him, and stepped out to ask what is going on, he answered when he is very sad and wanted to die, because he broke up whit he's wife, he was saying that multiple times, I tried to calm him down, and wanted to hear what is he doing in middle of the road, he was repeating that more and more, and then I asked him if he is lately used any drugs or alcohol, he answered me yes, and then I started understanding why he is in the middle of the road, after few minute's of talk, I asked for he's ID, while I was going to check he's ID, I asked Deputy Jemain West to check on him, because he was talking about death all the time, he's document's came up clear, there wasn't any warrant's and he's car was register to he's name, as he was overdosed whit ''Methamphetamine'',''Cocaine'' and ''Vodka'', we're suprised how is he still alive, Deputy Jemain West called SAM on the scene, we explained situation to doctor, and after few minute's talk whit doctor, SAM take care of him, they took him to Las Venturas Hospital, and luckly he survived.


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