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San Andreas Medics

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RolePlay #56
Personal RolePlay #1
Participants : @Potato @ronniePickering14
History : :::

In the evening a young male decided to go to the skatepark near his home to practice some tricks on his bike

As you would expect , things didnt go well for the poor young guy , he had a terrible crash which injured his leg and scratched his body

Luckily some cop was nearby and saw the awful crash , he ran to see how the boy was... not very good..

Paramedic : Hello , this is 911 Paramedic services , how may i help you?

Officer: '' Hello , I am at a skatepark near the County General Hospital , some boy fell from his bike and he needs medical attention..

Paramedic: ''Copy that , we're sending an ambulance to your location now

when i received the callout , i prepared all my equipment to attend to the patients needs , arriving on scene i saw a young man laying on the floor screaming in pain , i approached and started to talk with him about exactly how this happened , while checking over his body for injuries

i assessed that he had probably fractured his foot , to be confirmed in a xray at the hospital , he also had many cuts and bruises on his legs and arms , so i sterilized and bandaged his wounds then put him into the ambulance and we headed to the hospital which was near by , with the pollice office that was worried about the situation

When we arrived at the hospital I took the patient for an xray. Thankfully I was right, it was only a fracture ,so I put a plaster cast on the patients leg and asked the police officer to give him a ride home


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