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Patrol #512
Personal Patrol #6
Participants: Patrolling was conducted with an applicant, called @Riley
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: healed around 10 people and patrolled for like 30 mins
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/IPA8nM4

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Roleplay #35
Personal Roleplay #1
Participants: [SAM] @Hoodie , [ThC] @KARIM
I was about 2 hours into my shift on the 7th of May, it had been busy so far. I had already responded to multiple calls today and was starting to feel the strain of the job. As I was crossing the San Fierro - Tierra Robada Bridge, the radio starts to make a sound. "Another one" I sighed, hoping it might be a simple straight forward call. "Dispatch Code Red, Gunshot Reported" The radio murmured. I picked up the radio, "Unit 71, Responding" Dispatched proceeded to give the address of the patient, this is where it gets suspicious. Dispatch explained that the patient was in the bottom of the quarry... I thought to myself "Mafia, possibly" As much as I would like to think about it all day, I could not I was in a rush.
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After approximately 10 minutes I reached the entrance of the quarry, I drove over to the edge and looked down. I could faintly see a man slumped over next to what I assumed was his vehicle. I had to find a way down there safely, I thought for a moment and then planned a path in my mind. I got back into my ambulance and headed for the bottom. After another 1-2 minutes I reached the bottom and, I approached the man slumped over. I exited my ambulance and headed over to him, "You alright buddy?" I yelled. Then a silence, he was conscious but not responding to me. I knelt down in front of him, "Can you talk to me?" I said in a more concerning voice. Still no reply...
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I started to examine him, regardless of him not replying to me. As I was examining him, I noticed a wound near his right lung in his chest. As I inspected it closer, I realized this was a gun shot wound. ".30 caliber bullet" I said to myself. I knew this was used in AK-47's, so who ever did this wanted this man dead. I examined him more and more, finding even more gunshot wounds. I located gunshot wounds in his kidney, his abdomen area and also in his leg. I started to count them, "13 gunshot wounds" I said to myself. I wondered how he was still alive at this point, not many people take 13 AK-47 bullets and live.
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I looked him in the eyes and asked him "Who did this to you?", he looked back at me with the most obvious look of fear in his eyes. He opened his mouth, as he opened it blood started dripping from it like it was the Niagara falls. As he opened his mouth more and more, more blood was coming out. When he opened it wide enough, I finally saw why he had not replied to me the whole time. I was shocked to discover that the man had no tongue, it had been cut out. This confirmed my whole mafia theory I had earlier, still in shock I rushed him into the ambulance. I quickly explained where we are going and left the scene as fast as possible not looking back. I was fearful these men might be close, they might be planning on doing this to me. I might be a lonely paramedic, but anyone that can cut out a mans tongue is capable of anything in my eyes.
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As I sped out of the quarry, I kept looking into my rear-view mirror hoping I would not see any car following me. I kept on the highway and kept my speed high, with the sirens on to ensure I would not be followed. We approached the San Fierro hospital and I took him upstairs, he was able to walk "somewhat". I ushered him towards the operation table and directed him to lay down. He laid down, and I began. Firstly I washed my hands (common sense), then I began the extraction of the bullets. One by one I took out the bullets and stitched his wounds, thankfully they all missed major organs and arteries. There was one bullet, in his lung I could not get to. As I was finishing up, he suddenly went into shock! I ran over to instruments to check his vitals, to see his pulse racing.
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I ran back over to hold him down, the seizure felt like it went on for hours in reality it was only a few seconds. I injected him with some Anti-convulsant medication hoping it would keep him stable while I continued to work on him. I finally managed to get the bullet out of his lung, although I extracted the bullet he will need a operation later on today. I escorted him to the wards for him to rest, he kept trying to communicate with me. I grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to him, "Here you go buddy, write down what you want to tell me". He jotted down on the piece of paper, he then handed it to me.
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As I looked over the paper, it had two words written on it in a scribble. These two words sent me into a state of paranoia and fear, the note read... "They're coming" As I dropped the piece of paper, I hoped for the man and myself...


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