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San Andreas Medics

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@SAFP-Carl said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Helpers' Media Archive (For Wannabes):

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~[Role Play Number:]~(green,teal) #5

~[Participants in The RP:]~(green,teal) @Supreme @Glayd

~[RP Scenario:]~(green,teal) Today i just arrived at LS and got a new Tow Truck and before even starting my journey their i received a call from a Medic that they lost control of the vehicle and they crashed.
I was already 250M away so i arrived immediately at the scene to check out what's going on.
The vehicle was severely damaged and i assumed he was driving really fast for this to happen.
I talked with the medics about how bad the vehicle was damaged then i towed the vehicle and took it back to the garage in LS.
I opened the hood and started by the engine as the exhaust was producing black smoke which means the engine is burning too much fuel so i checked the air-filter, fuel injectors and fuel-pressure regulator, I replaced whatever need replacement and then called the medic.
He came to see the car after adding new door and new wind-shield and new engine cause we had to change it tho, He was surprised and so happy with the car he said that its like a new one !
We shake hands and got payed for the job. Well .. I'm always happy with jobs like this, the more work, the more fun ! :smiley:



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Patrol #473
Personal Patrol #13
Participants: Glayd
Amount of healed or Time of patrol:about 25 min
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/X5OHl7F
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@Supreme said in Supreme's Application:

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Roleplay #5
SAM Member: @Glayd, @Chris_nova
Helpers: Pilot.Ghost, [TT]Brooks
Story: Today we were patrolling in LV and we receive a emergency call at LV Airport , we're responding to a emergency called, They saw crashed plane and when we came and came inside and we found some body and he were alive we faster take him to LS hospital then we're starting to checked his body and we found his head broke
so we bandage his head wound and he's alive now and he said thank u
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/d72zUfA


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Patrol #481
Personal Patrol #14
Participants: Glayd
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: about 25 mins
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/0JZ0tmV
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Personal Roleplay #4
SAM Member: Soulfly
Helpers: @xX-ZOMMRA-Xx
Story: There was a person in a burger restaurant who was poisoned by his food, the poisoned person was a federal member whose tehidi had been passed. I set off on the fast ambulance vehicle and quickly arrived at the mentioned burger restaurant. The poisoned person was lying on the ground and groaning silently in the ecstatic state due to abdominal pain. I opened my medical bag to make the necessary remedies, and first I asked him to talk to me to see if he was losing consciousness to understand his fever and why he had become this. He wasn't unconscious, he just got tired and he couldn't get up, I opened a vascular line and put on a vitamin serum to recover the serum began to run out and the patient was coming to him he started talking to me and said he had a lot of headache. I gave her a painkiller capsule and told her to swallow it with water. After a few minutes he said he had a headache and called his friends over at the radio and walked away from the burger restaurant.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nNH02bE


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Roleplay #33
Personal Roleplay #5
Participants: Me and @alex0107

Description: It was a long depressing night over Bayside as Johnny English, Patrolled the district with his Air Ambulance. The population being sparse in this area, surprised him when he picked up
a district call on his EMT Pager. The coordinates indicated that the call was made from the middle of the sea therefore his Air Ambulance would be useless. Knowing this, Johnny English landed his
Air Ambulance by the Bayside Hospital and proceeded to the docks, where San Andreas Medic's Sea Unit equipment was distributed. Johnny nimbly boards one of the Coastguards available and smoothly
motors his way towards the distress call.

As he makes his way, he notices a long trail of smoky oil on the water which he chooses to follow as it coincides with the specified coordinates. Ultimately reaching the spot, Johnny notices a badly
mangled Dinghy boat which seems to have crashed into the rocks, upon further notice a groaning, injured tourist is noticed, immediately Johnny applies first aid to the withering tourist. He suspects
concussion and a broken leg. He helps the somewhat conscious tourist back into his coastguard and moves back to the docks slowly.

After reaching the docks Johnny realizes that it's practically impossible to carry an injured person off shore hence he boards the Levithan, a helicopter supporting water travel, he loads the injured
tourist into the back of the levithan swiftly and after parking the coastguard, pilots it out of Bayside. They reach San Fierro about an hour later when Johnny lands the Levithan in front of
San Andreas Medics' Headquarters.

Johnny somehow helps the injured tourist up the stairs to the facility and immediately operates him, the X-rays display a shattered right leg, lung collapse and a minor concussion. Johnny deals with
the concussion first, which gives him time to work on the lung collapse next, after a few hours of selfless working, he is able to focus onto the leg. Sweat dripping down his face, Johnny English
completes the operation as he shifts the patient to the general ward and enjoys a brief snack in the cafeteria.

After a few weeks of treatment and care the tourist is discharged as Johnny bids him off while he calls a cab.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Uvd7vrP

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