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San Andreas Medics

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Roleplay: #135
Personal Roleplay: #22
Participants: @Thamond and @Aprix
Description: Today, we received two patients at the Fort Carson Medical Center. One of them just wanted to do a COVID-19 test, which was negative, we gave him a negative COVID-19 certificate, valid for 15 days, and we gave him recommendations to continue taking care of the disease.

The second patient told us that he had mental problems, as it was not an emergency, we invited him to an appointment at the Los Santos Hospital with Dr. Carlos, so a study will be opened to solve his medical problem.

The new Fort Carson medical center is completely renovated and receiving emergencies, the best investment for the citizens of San Andreas.
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/CeQslPD
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~[Patrol #1806]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Patrol: #17
~[P]~(lime)articipants: [SAM]Aveyro<LG*>
~[A]~(lime)mount of healed or Time of patrol: 13:43 -> 14:10 ( About 30 Minutes )

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~[Patrol #1813]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Patrol: #18
~[P]~(lime)articipants: N/A
~[A]~(lime)mount of healed or Time of patrol: ( 32 Minutes ) 13:18 -> 13:50
~[S]~(lime)creenShots: https://imgur.com/a/XQyeZRG


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~[Roleplay #136]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Roleplay: #02
~[P]~(lime)articipants: @Yassinos

^[It happened a few days ago, I was observing as always the coasts of San Andreas, I checked every coast by the sea with my medic boat, everything was fine, so I headed towards Flint County to observe its seas as it's only the one county which left for that day.]

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^[When I reached this place I began to look around, driving my boat here and there. Suddenly, I saw a fishing boat from afar, quickly I took my way towards it, when I arrived at it, I found a man lying on the ground, he was in pain, and some blood is bleeding from his hands and feet. When he saw me he said in a weak voice ''Help me..help please''. Fastly, I took the necessary tools from the boat medic box to treat him.]

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^[As I began to do so, I asked him to tell me what happened to him, fortunately, his wounds were not serious. I started cleaning the area of the wounds in the affected leg with alcohol and covering the area with gauze and bandages, and I did the same to the other leg, while he said '' While I was fishing, my rod started vibrating strongly, so much so that I couldn't attract her, suddenly something pulled it into the water. I looked around to find it with my eyes, and two sharks appear, one came from behind the boat, jumped towards me from the water, as you see the boat is not big, and attacked me, from my arm and leg till it pulled me in the water, and the other shark came, I don't know how I survived from them, I was acting crazy and when I quickly returned to land, I was suffering from many wounds ''Oooh, my arm, please treat it'']

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^[I bandaged his wounds in his hands as I did for his leg with great care, then I held him gently to my boat, and I took my way to our bayside hospital as fast as possible. When I got to the port, I found two paramedics waiting for me in there, who carried him with a rollaway bed, to check him again and give him a medication suitable for his condition.]

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~[Patrol #1818]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Patrol: #19
~[P]~(lime)articipants: [SAM]Aveyro<LG>
~[A]~(lime)mount of healed or Time of patrol: ( 27 Minutes ) 17:41 -> 18:08
~[S]~(lime)creenShots: https://imgur.com/a/4N9fQGJ


@nrg-aka-caligula said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive:

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Participants: @Tuga-Thugs @Medo12
Date: 18/04/2021
History: I was doing my job and i got a delivery job to caravans near Tierra Robada bank. I went to there and i completed my delivery succesfully. Before 2 days i was checking my tire and a bad thing happened as you all know. I forget to check it again and i kept going. I was going to All Load Trucking HQ Base. But i lost the control of truck. I crashed to a tree. I didn't feel myself and blacked out. I think i am dying for real. Finally a guy came and called for an ambulance. San Andreas Medics EMS division medic came and helped me. He took me to his ambulance and went to San Fierro San Andreas Medics Private Hospital. He checked my leg and my leg was only scraped. I am blacked out cause of blood. I can not look to bloods cause of my tramvatic problems since my child days. I woke up and went out. Today i understood that San Andreas Medics are really always there when we need them most...
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MUedEcx

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