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San Andreas Medics

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Patrol #1631

Personal Activity #20
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 14:59 to 15:21 (5 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SFzKrUM

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Patrol #1632
Personal Activity #1
Participants: Only me
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 19:10 to 20:20 (12 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/63xPkyq

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Patrol #1634

Personal Activity #21
Participants: @ALIJR007 @Aveyro
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 20:50 to 21:54 (12 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/XYvjKDT

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Roleplay: #118
Personal Roleplay: #8
Participants: Me and @ItzMoha
Description: Today was an ordinary patrulling around the sea close to Los Santos Beach. Good sunny weather and light breeze. Patrolling around, I decided to go to the shore, where they had to bring me diesel fuel to refuel my boat. Coming a little closer, I noticed a man who was slowly drowning and with all his strength was shouting for help. I immediately rushed to his aid, jumping into the water and taking him to the boat, after which we approached the shore and I put him on the sand, starting to give him breast procedures. When the man felt better, I gave instructions on safety at sea and at the same moment provided first aid, as a result of which he thanked me and I continued my patrol across the sea.
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/CtOKT86
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Roleplay: #119
Personal Roleplay: #9
Participants: Me and @nCovv
Description: Nice day while I was sitting at my workplace in a small town that named is Tierra Robbada, Bayside. I sat drinking green tea and looked at the TV screen watching the cameras what is happening in the sea, are there any emergencies around. Suddenly I saw how somehow a helicopter flew by and suddenly began to fall sharply, I did not think for a long time, blew up and ran into the boat. Having quickly arrived at the scene of the accident, I got the pilot out of the helicopter, put him in my boat and took him to the local medical center, where I carefully examined him. The victim had only light bruises and a couple of minor scratches, I prescribed him bed rest for several days. He called a taxi for himself and drove home, and I continued my patrol around the sea of San Andreas.
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/O3eqzI8
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Personal Roleplay: #4
Participants: @Guayaba
Description: A call to a nightclub for overdose was very serious an 18-year-old boy We had to transfer him to the hospital branch He was hospitalized for 2 days when the boy woke up and did not remember what had happened to him We sat down to talk about what was happening to him. The boy left.

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**Roleplay #**121
**Personal Roleplay #**6
Participants: @MIT-Military-Intelligence-Team
Description: I was drinking my coffe and i got a phone from MIT. They lost 2 police officers of MIT and they told us to be ready for a call. I called San Andreas Medic Air and Sea division members. We all got a call from MIT's Ranked officers. They said me that the MIT Officers are crashed and one officer is heavily injured at dezzoland. Other officer is trying to help him but nothing enought about medical informations. We went to Tierra Robada's boatpark and got two boats with sea division member. We went to there and got them. Injured officer was really bad and our medic went to there and used some pills. We went to Tierra Robada again but we understood that we need to go to hospital before MIT Base. Other officer was not injured but i checked him up too. I take him to my ambulance cause of he is not injured and he seems good for real. Already we got an idea about checking his brain too maybe it can be damaged and this can kill him. We need to go to Los Santos Hospital cause of there is lot's of usefull then Tierra Robada and Las Venturas Hospital. I told an air division member to get a helicopter and get him to Los Santos Hospital quickly. We went to there with ambulance and they went to there with helicopter. As ranked doctor only i can get him into the hospital so they did first aid out of Los Santos Hospital. I went and we got them into Los Santos Hospital. I just checked my guy and my one has not anything. We focused on injured guy and we understood that a nerve entrapment is happening in his legs and arms cause of sudden moving. Our medics did this job as very well again and we called for MIT Leaders to get them. They came out of hospital and got that officers. And we went to our base. I got a new coffe. Today i understood a thing. Our team is really doing very well, and we should not use sugar in coffe. Thanks for reading...
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2u5y7M6
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Patrol #1643

Personal Patrol: #1
Participants: N / A ( Alone )
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 21:07 ==> 21:55 ( 48 Minutes )
ScreenShots: Click here

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~[Patrol #1645]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Patrol: #2
~[P]~(lime)articipants: N / A ( Alone )
~[A]~(lime)mount of healed or Time of patrol: 13:43 ==> 14:19 ( 36 Minutes )
~[S]~(lime)creenShots: Click here

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~[R]~(lime)~[oleplay #122]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Roleplay: #1
@Scofield @plod

One day, I was in our SAM base while with a medic of our team, we were chilling a bit. Suddenly I got an emergency call from an unknown number, after I answered, I heard :

  • Hello, help please, help swoop my husband, please. That's urgent!!

  • Calm down please Madam and tell me what happened exactly.

  • My husband is... is... He did an accident in his car with another vehicle, they are both have been affected!!

  • Okay, can you tell me where are you exactly?

  • Emm... Emm... I am in San Fierro. Emm.. San Fierro Queens, front of the big hotel.

  • Okay Madam, coming on the way as fast as possible.

I got off to the parking of our base, I rode in an ambulance, I put the lights and the sirens on, and I went to the scene of the accident at my top speed. Less than 3 minutes later I arrived at this place, I found two damaged cars all the damage, it is these two vehicles which did the accident, and I found two men next to them, each of them was lying on the ground, and blood is bleeding from them both. Quickly, I put these two people on twin beds and put them in the ambulance, and I let the other medic doing first aid with them both while I was going ahead back to San Fierro hospital to treat these patients. When we arrived, each one carried a patient to the operating room for examination and treatment. The patient which I am about to check had a lot of wounds and swelling in his left leg as a result of the accident, and after scanning it, it turns out that his leg has been broken, and it had to be splinted. Then I started cleaning the area of the wounds in the affected leg with alcohol and covering the area with gauze and bandages. However, I left two surgeons from our team who're responded to my call, to splint his leg. Then I went to the other medic who's I let him checking the other injured one, I said to him :

  • So sir, what is this patient complaining about?

  • His right arm has been broken and affected as a result of this misfortune, and I already called another surgeon to help me to splint his arm.

  • Alright, good luck.

After some hours, both patients were splinted, we carried them to the break hall, where they will rest and receive some suitable food for their wounded...

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~[Patrol #1646]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Patrol: #3
~[P]~(lime)articipants: N / A ( Alone )
~[A]~(lime)mount of healed or Time of patrol: 22:25 ==> 23:17 ( 52 Minutes )
~[S]~(lime)creenShots: Click here

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Patrol #1647

Personal Activity #22
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 02:26 to 03:08 (3 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B3Angt3

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~[Patrol #1648]~(lime)

~[P]~(lime)ersonal Patrol: #4
~[P]~(lime)articipants: [SAM]Cena<P>
~[A]~(lime)mount of healed or Time of patrol: From 14:19 ==> 14:51 ( 32 Minutes )
~[S]~(lime)creenShots: Click Here

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Roleplay #123
Personal Roleplay: #3

@nrg-aka-caligula said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive:

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Participants: @Lou-2
Date: 17.01.2021
History: I was thinking about new projects for All Load Trucking's new deliverying stuffs. Because of we were getting lot's of orders of logs. Winter came and people needs logs for fireplace in villages. We got a call from a San Andreas Medics Doctor.Lou about they needs logs as a lot cause of he is working in a village's small hospital. I was going to contact with who will give me logs. I found him and i got the logs but i was tired cause of it was really hard to find there. I got the logs and i was driving to there. I saw a civilian were asking me for a repair for his car. I told the address and i continued to the job. I went to Tierra Robada's 2th Hospital. I dropped the goods and we did not shake with Mr.Lou because of the corona virus. I mailed him the IBAN for money.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/k7sSSLt

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