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San Andreas Medics

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Patrol #1586

Personal Activity #4
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 18:36 to 19:00( 6 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zIgY9A9

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Patrol #1587

Personal Activity #5
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 10:48 to 11:38 (14 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hNCbjN6

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Roleplay #114
@the-best1 said in SA Fire Department :: Media Archive:

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Roleplay type: Extinguishing 2 car's at train way.
Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): Well,Today We get called from a train Driver ,That he wanted help from us Because there was 2 car's on fire ,So i called my friend's and explained them what we gonna do At our base and i called SAM guy too To help us ,And i gave everyone his role ...,And then we went there and we started work doing our Job.
Location: Los Santos
Participants: @Sanfara @Trap @jord
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Patrol #1588

Personal Activity #6
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 21:24 from 22:07( 11 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9aqJ6oA

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Patrol #1593

Personal Activity #7
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 23:52 to 00:42 (4 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7DbOnid

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Patrol #1595

Personal Activity #8
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 1:22 to 2:18 (4 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fdNJEYY

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Patrol #1597

Personal Activity #9
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 3:05 to 3:41( 5 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/kdKOaXj

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Patrol # 1599
Personal Patrol # 2
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 20:24 to 20:56 (healed 12 patients)
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) imgur is not working sorry


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Patrol #1600

Personal Activity #10
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 00:05 to 00:51 (9 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Un53r0H

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Patrol #1602

Personal Activity #11
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 2:41to 3:10 (11 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4nORjZB

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Roleplay: #115
Personal Roleplay: #19
Participants: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @Cristian @BurakO @posho @samuel3021 UE|Luis and @Daudd
Description: Early this night we received a call for a traffic accident near Bayside, upon arriving at the scene we found an accident between 2 buses and a car, apparently they were doing a race, we managed to rescue two injured people and they are in recovery at the hospital in Bone County


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Patrol #1605

Personal Activity #12
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 1848 to 20:15 ( 13 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6qs9aim

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Patrol #1606

Personal Activity #13
Participants: @ALIJR007
Time of Patrol/Number of patients healed: 18:13 to 18:58 (10 patients healed)
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gQlZ56f

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