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San Andreas Medics

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Roleplay: #116
Personal Roleplay: #16
Participants: Me and SILICONDI
Description: Today a flood was generated on the coast of San Andreas that affected the entire state. Successfully the <Search and Rescue> team had a rapid deployment and we managed to rescue some victims.


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Roleplay: #117
Personal Roleplay: #17
Participants: Me, Vanessa and MajecticMobster78
Description: Today afternoon we received a call in the center of Los Santos, the 911 operator did not specify any call, only that he had called and dialed the medical attention service, when we arrived at the scene there was a man waiting, after a few minutes we managed To determine that he was blind and did not speak either, for which he was transferred to the East Hospital of Los Santos, where we were able to successfully determine that he was blind. He is currently under medical care and the police department is trying to contact his family or identification of the victim.


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~[Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #1509
~[Personal Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #15
~[Participants]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): N/A
~[Amount of healed or Time of patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): 1hour Me Heal all of the Sv In the streets And SRs
~[ScreenShots]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): https://imgur.com/a/7v6y6j0
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~[Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #1516
~[Personal Patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): #16
~[Participants]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): N/A
~[Amount of healed or Time of patrol]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): 1hour
~[ScreenShots]~(lime,#8a2b8a,lime,lime,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,black,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime,lime): https://imgur.com/a/IKpQMIu
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Roleplay: #118
Personal Roleplay: #2
Participants: @nCovv @Lou-2 @MIT-Military-Intelligence-Team
Description: I was doing my job and i got a call from 911. I think i did a bad thing and i will be punished but the polices opened the phone. They said me that they are at Military Intelligence Team Headquarter base. And i asked them what is the problem they said me that a police officer is down because of an accident of gun. Officer Lou was shooted to his leg. I went to the mit agents headquarter base and i used bandage for stopping the blood. We got him to ambulance from the mit base. Officer nCoV helped us. We went to Las Venturas Hospital but there was closed because of coronavirus. And we got our way to Los Santos First Hospital. We went to the hospital and ncov got a call and he went. We got into the hospital and i used bandage and i did vaccine for officer lou. He was good already he was able to walk so i did not say him to wait in hospital. He called his friend for taking officer lou's car and get it to hospital. His friend gave the car to officer lou and Mr. Lou went to his house for sleeping. After this i went to the San Fierro San Andreas Medics Headquarter Base and continued to my job.


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Roleplay: #119
Personal Roleplay: #1
Participants: @Real and @LAPD_Spanish_VEN
Description: A normal day of patrol with my friend @LAPD_Spanish_VEN We have a strange call from a not very strong place We answer the call Here we go we had a drowning problem We tried to revive it There But we couldn't We took him to the Ambulance We took him quickly to the hospital There they treated him They They came to save him there, the Lord, said goodbye amicably.
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/WD7Fh2r
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Roleplay: #120
Personal Roleplay: #3
@Lou-2 said in Lou's Application for SAM:

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Roleplay # 1
Participants: @NRG-aka-Caligula @nCovv @ahmet1907
Description: Rescuing and treating a drowning person in the sea.

Story: In San Fiero the seas have become very dangerous lately. It was known that the sea was very choppy and its current was too much. A citizen who illegally entered a beach, which is normally forbidden for people to enter in the morning hours, started to drown by being caught in the current. Hearing the screams, a biker slowly approached the shore. He shouted and said he would call for help. He immediately called 911 and said that a person had begun to drown in an area far from the beach but was unable to rescue due to the high current. Thereupon, we quickly went to the rescue by ship. When we arrived at the scene, the patient could not move at all. We took the Serice patient out of the sea and started to go to the shore. We lost a lot of time because of the waves. When we finally reached the shore, we immediately lay it on a stretcher and took it to the ambulance. Then we went to the hospital serice. We entered the operating room in the hospital. The patient had lost his consciousness. With a few applications, we brought the patient back to life. The patient was in a coma for about 3 days. He was prepared to be discharged in a week.


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