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San Andreas Medics

San Andreas Medics: Official Media Center


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Patrol # 1380
Personal Patrol # 39
Participants: me , @NoobPRO , @Qleder (Vanessa)
Amount of healed: +50
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Roleplay # 108
Personal Roleplay # 1
Participants: Royal|Pub, [SAM]Guard<PA>, Max
**Description:**It was evening when the Royal agent called emergency and asked for medical assistance backup. He said that his partner was shot by a criminal and his status wasn't stable. So we quickly got a helicopter and responded to the scene to save the agent. When I arrived at the scene, I rushed to the injured agent and bandaged him to stop his bleeding. Since he wasn't stable, I quickly had to move him to the closest hospital. The injured agent was moved to the helicopter carefully with a stretcher.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qBssEGM
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/oeXhicL.gif

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