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Roleplay # 82

Personal Roleplay # 2

Participants: [INKAS]Koenhix, [INKAS]Paranollyc and Me

Description: Lately, we have started to implement a checkpoint in LV-LS Highway, to detect possible cases of coronavirus. Today, a trucker had very mild symptoms, and he manifested himself very badly, while we went to the isolation area, he told us that he was a smoker and that he was undergoing chemotherapy. Hours later, the East hospital in Los Santosnos confirmed that there was availability to be transplanted the lung, and we decided to transfer him to the hospital for his operation, however in the transfer he stated that he was left without breathing, therefore, we had to perform a CPR where He regained his consciousness, upon arrival at the hospital, the transplant was performed and everything was successful.



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Roleplay # 83

Personal Roleplay # 3

Participants: [INKAS]Fasito and me

Description: We received an emergency call in the Flint County area, whereby an ambulance from Angel Pine (Whestone Hospital) responded to the scene, upon arrival, there was a collision against a tree, the subject was conscious, however He claimed to have suspicions, he was transferred to the Whestone hospital, where the protocols for this type of case were carried out.



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Roleplay #84
Personal Roleplay #5
Participants: @Cornelius and me
Description: I had a call from SAM HQs'' there is a emergency stat: a victem Sinking in the sea of Los Santos'' so i took one of the helicopters and i went faster i can to the location, i found him laying on the ground so i went to him and start pushing his chest, it took me 10mins till he woke up, then i asked him how does he feels and i told him to stay out of the sea for now and take a break at his house.


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