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San Andreas Medics

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Roleplay # 58
Personal Roleplay # 4
Participants: @Jerome-Valeska and Me
I am suddenly got a phone call from the hospital's consultation desk he was a doctor at the hospital looking for and said a car was crashing on the northern exit of Las Venturas he said it was the information that the wounded could have inside. I got into the ambulance quickly and started driving to the area where I was accident the billboard of the car was struck and the car had pierced the engine part but the driver inside the car has been avoiding a major injury by throwing himself at last. I started to do first aid before I moved the guy who crashed quickly. There was a bleeding in the head of the wound, and I think it came out of the neck, and there were loose or broken parts in various parts of his body I started the first aid quickly and the bleeding in my body worked as a taping with dressing and helped with bandage after stopping the bleeding,

I prevented the neck from moving by wearing a neck collar to move the neck I took some ambulance from the ambulance to the hospital by fixing it with a bandage in some broken areas I put the patient behind the ambulance and started to go to the hospital immediately. I raised the patient to the hospital and immediately received intensive care and started to treat the patient. The patient was removed from the intensive care unit after a 5 or 7 hour operation, we waited for the patient to wake up in order to get rid of his life spell and the patient woke up 3 hours after being placed in his room after some medical tests were done he was ready to send the patient home the patient's equipment was collected from the ambulance home after the collection and we successfully rescued the patient.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/t40NTdB
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Roleplay # 59
Personal Roleplay # 5
Participants: @Hotfire and Me
I was in the hospital for the night shift. I got a call from a person one. I had a truck crash somewhere and I was lying on the floor as if his driver had died. I went to the scene with the helicopter but I didn't see much because it was night time.When I looked a little closer I saw that it was a gas truck. There was probably a leak in the driveway from the warehouse. This guy must have knocked the driver out. But really the driver had a great heroism. If he hadn't taken the truck there, he could have stayed in the middle of the road and affected other people. So I had to do everything I could to save that man. I called the fire crews, but by the time they arrived, the truck driver could have died of this gas. I immediately took the oxygen tube and tried to approach it. but that was impossible. Because it's starting to affect me before it's even 10 metres away.

So I had to put on a gas mask first. I put on the gas mask and approached. I immediately installed the oxygen tube and checked to see if there were any injuries. But he had nothing, he just passed out because of the gas. I had to get him out of there right away. After 5-10 minutes of inserting the oxygen tube, he came into his own and immediately tried to stand up. But that was more damaging for him. I calmed him down a bit and then stood him up and took him slowly towards the helicopter. He said he was very nauseous in the helicopter. When we went to the hospital, we immediately went into surgery with the doctor. He's doing pretty well and getting better.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/2mOP4ts
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Personal Roleplay: 6

@Hotfire said in All Load Trucking - Media Archive:
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Roleplay- Supplying medical supplies to SAM Headquarters.
Participants- @Griffin Hotfire

Here I am chilling in my office when I got a call from someone about supplying them with some medical supplies. I told them sure come by my office so we can talk about price and you know sign some papers to make it official. Soon as he came we got down to business. Very quick since he needed them ASAP as people lives can be in danger since they dont have these supplies. I offered them 5,000 dollars for everything and he agreed. We loaded up the cargobob and went straight to SAM Headquarters. Once we reached our location, we unloaded them and they got their supplies.

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Roleplay # 61
Personal Roleplay # 7
Participants: @Crossma and Me
It was a beautiful sunny day. A call came in. Las Venturas was also attacked by a policeman. I was informed that his condition was severe. I left immediately. I took all the supplies I needed. I had to be very fast because he didn't have a lot of time. When I got there, it was really bad. 6-7 bullets had hit his body and a piece of glass had come to his face as his car was attacked. First, I stopped the bleeding immediately.All the bullets in his body were inside. That was good news because the bullet hadn't pierced his body.I gave him painkillers and a little antibiotics, and he kind of recovered. I had to take him to hospital immediately and intervene because he had lost a lot of blood. I put him in the helicopter and took him to the hospital in 8 minutes.

I had to intervene with him because I knew where the bullets were and how much blood he had lost. I immediately removed the bullets inside and returned the blood he had lost. His condition was a little better but he needs to be kept in check. Meanwhile, all of the people who carried out this attack were captured. The police officer is now in intensive care.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JQrw1a8
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Patrol # 820
Personal Patrol # 10
Participants: I patrolled alone
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30 minutes were spent during patrolling, and at least 10 citizens of SA were healed
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/WZQQHTa
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Patrol # 821
Personal Patrol # 13
Participants: I patrolled alone
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/WZQQHTa

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Patrol # 822
Personal Patrol # 14
Participants: I patrolled alone
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 26
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/0wsAn7a


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Patrol # 823
Personal Patrol # 15
Participants: I patrolled alone
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 45 Minutes.
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/hvz2SoS


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Patrol # 824
Personal Patrol # 16
Participants: I patrolled alone
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 50 Minutes.
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/rMIL4qZ


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Patrol # 825
Personal Patrol # 17
Participants: I patrolled alone
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 1 hour & a half. (90 Minutes)
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/jLyV2Bn


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Roleplay # 60
Personal Roleplay # 3
Participants: Noizi
Story: It was a good evening, I was at my office working out on some new methods making operations in addition of some stuff. Suddenly, the phone rang it was from Mr.Kyle, the director of San Andreas Medics, the most known medics all around San Andreas, furthermore, he was being called to the office of the director for an emergency task. "Mhm, Greetings Mr.James I literally wanted to state that there is an emergency situation & there is only you to take care of it, hurry up get the truck & go to this street in San fierro, it's literally near Craberry station, he was badly hurt in an accident, get your materials & get to the location." Nevertheless, James hurried up to his ambulance, modded one. Whatsoever, he has reached the location in one hour, right there, he has found the man totally buried out. He helped him by making the first aids. I immediately removed the part of the car that was inside and returned the blood he had lost. Finally, his condition became better, he was able to stand up hopefully. Even though, he has taken him inside the ambulance & headed back to the headquarters.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3RoqtA8


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Roleplay # 61
Personal Roleplay # 4
Participants: Noizi
Story:When I was driving my Ambulance Truck through San Fierro, on my way, I have seen that someone was at the ground he had a white shirt black pants and a cap on his head, he was losing big amount of blood, I really was worried about him, I stopped my truck and I totally went to the body which was wasted on the ground. After all, accidents began to increase, San Andreas medics have a lot of work to do, anyways, I've given him a pain killer then a syrine, after that, I've tried to put some stuff onto it before he gets a real blood loss. Furthermore, I tried to carry him out inside the truck, after that, I've put him in the ambulance then I literally began driving to get back to the hospital where I started the day. I stayed there after giving him some medicines waiting for the doctors' statements, they said it was a dangerous situation but they've taken fully care of it.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SrMQvRx


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Patrol # 827
Personal Patrol # 11
Participants: I patrolled alone
Amount of healed or Time of patrol: Around 35 minutes were spent during patrolling, and at least 10 citizens of SA were healed
ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/NBRW54g
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Roleplay #63
Personal Roleplay #3
Participants: [SAM] @Hoodie , [SAM] @Unique , SAES> @ZeKinG
I had recently gotten accepted into the Air Division of San Andreas Medics (the primary ambulance and medical provider in the San Andreas Region). This was a great achievement of mine, ever since I became a Paramedic I had always wanted to join the Air Division. There would be no more ambulances for me, here on out Helicopters only. Eager to impress my new supervisors on my first day, I began my patrol early. I approached my helicopter and did all my pre-flight checks, I was then ready to take off. I took off at approximately 10:02am, from Las Venturas Hospital. I flew North West towards Bone County as instructed by my patrol sheet, for this patrol route only helicopters are able to navigate the tough terrain. Unfortunately due to this, this also means the area lacks adequate health care.
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As I approached the start of the Tierra Robada Dessert, I noticed a taxi cab below me. It appeared to be on fire, I thought to myself "Another abandoned vehicle" as I sighed. I circled around the cab just to make sure no one was inside, to my shock... there was a man. I looked around to find a plane that was safe to land, then headed down to see if the man was ok. I managed to land very close to the vehicle, which was good for me. I began to approach the taxi cab, the man from a distance appeared to have his eyes closed. As I got closer I noticed he was indeed unconscious, I approached the door and attempted to open it. "No luck" I said to myself, I gave the window a few bangs BANG BANG as I yelled with a voice of somewhat calmness and authority "ARE YOU OKAY? CAN YOU HEAR ME SIR?". "Still no answer, fuck" I once again said in the habit of talking to myself. I decided I would attempted to break the glass, I ran back to my helicopter and grabbed a glass breaker. I banged it against the window and it broke instantly, I reached in and dragged the man out onto the ground next to the cab.
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As I dragged the man out, the cab door opened. "Are you kidding me it was fucking unlocked" I tried to keep quiet while saying this to avoid scaring the patient. I was no doubt pissed off at the effort I had taken when the door was unlocked the whole time. As I examined the patient he began to wake up, "Where am I!?" He said in a concerning and confused tone. "Bone County sir" I replied. "I was in Los Santos and then I woke up here... Fucking migrants" I had to contain my laughter at his clear racism. "Was it a fucking migrant driving?" I explained to him I'm not sure who was driving him and I just showed up here because I saw the cab on fire. "Thank You" he kept saying to me, I am not sure why I had done little to help him so far. I guess he was still confused. I began to feel around him ribs, "Does it hurt when I press here?", he yelped "OW, YES". As I felt around his rib cage more, I felt at least 4 broken ribs I couldn't be sure but it was diffidently at least 4. He was also showing signs of internal bleeding, possibly from the lungs (as I saw he was coughing blood). I decided to quickly get him into the helicopter and attempt to take him to the closest hospital for medical treatment. By my calculations that was Fort Carson Hospital.
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I reached out my hand and he grabbed it. I supported him as I walked him to the helicopter and placed him inside. "I'm going to try and take you to Fort Carson Hospital" I explained. He nodded in response and thanked me again. I shut his door and got inside, I took off into the air trying to get away from the flaming car (Which I had forgotten about up until this point) It could have blown up at any time and I didn't care, the patient took my attention and I forgot about my safety. As we approached Fort Carson Hospital, I radioed in "1 Patient, Male, Middle Aged, En Route to Fort Carson Hospital with possible internal bleeding and broken ribs. Status Critical, was unconscious for an unknown amount of time". Fort Carson Desptach quickly responded "We're full, Divert to El Quebrados in Tierra Robada". I knew this would be a waste of time, El Quebrados was our smallest hospital in the region and also lacked the proper resources to deal with this sort of emergency.
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As I continued to approach El Quebrados, I contacted dispatch and asked "Previous call, Can we Divert to Los Santos or another major hospital?" Dispatch quickly replied "Not by air no, its a waste of fuel" I was angered by this lack of care and this hunger for saving money. The medical services across San Andreas have recently been going through budget cuts due to the new government now in place. I was not allowed to fly to certain hospitals, to save fuel and I had a allocated time that I could be in the air, which I had now exceeded. I arrived at El Quebrados, since dispatch was being unhelpful I used my radio to contact a colleague. "Hey, I got a patient here at El Quebrados. Can you give me a hand and take him to another hospital". Unique reluctantly replied "Authority of who?", "Me" I replied. I could tell Unique was worried about being caught "wasting money" but I wanted to help this man. I opened his door and he was more conscious now, "I'm Zeking, I work for ZIP CONSTRUCTION" he yelled the last part for reasons unknown. "Well ok ZeKing, I'm Hoodie. What hospital would you like me to transfer you to?". He thought for a moment and replied "Los Santos, they know me there." "Los Santos it is, I replied with a smirk", "Unique transfer from El Quebrados to Los Santos", Unique quickly responded "Eta 2 minutes".
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Zeking was becoming restless, "Can I walk around?" I was worried at this concept, but allowed him to walk around a little while we were waiting for the ambulance. Unique arrived moments later, I explained the situation to him. The condition of the patient and the reason for the transfer to Los Santos. He was shocked as he had no heard about the budget cuts. "Above his pay grade" I kept that thought to myself. As I helped ZeKing into the ambulance he demanded that I come with him, I happily agreed. We chatted for a what seemed like an eternity of driving, it was relatively quiet on the roads. ZeKing kept thanking me over and over for "saving his life", Unique and I continued to discuss the lack of health care in our region with the new government. "Fuck the government always spending up the money and leaving us with nothing" Unique proclaimed. I laughed "sounds like them to be honest with ya" I replied. We finally arrived at Los Santos hospital and helped Unique inside.
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We managed to get him into a room relatively quick, I jokingly whispered to him "I hope you have health insurance", he replied with a laugh before coughing some more. Unique and I began to prep him for his operation, the surgeon was going to be in at any moment. Unique injected the anaesthesia and told ZeKing to count back from 10. Zeking replied,
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Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EhhUIj8

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