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Can not login


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I created this account and verified it but am being unable to use it on the server.
I would say maybe because there's another account saved in the server but I dont even know its password and email so i cant even verify it and i wanna get it deleted, also bcz i didnt even use it more than 30mn.
Delete the other account if its blocking me from using this verified one.

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Forum and ingame accounts are not linked. You'll need to create an account ingame if you haven't yet.
If you have already done it, and with the username "Jaky", I see your last login date is 2017. If you remember the e-mail you've used to create your account and still have access to it use the reset password button. If not, you need to create a new account.

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@Velona Ye exactly, the thing is when I try to login it shows that error above, and when I try to register using the same credentials I used to register on forum it says u cant register "the account already exists" what the ..

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@Jaky said in Can not login:

@Velona Ye exactly, the thing is when I try to login it shows that error above, and when I try to register using the same credentials I used to register on forum it says u cant register "the account already exists" what the ..

Yes I have checked and apparently there is already an account with the username "Jaky", created and last used in 2017. So you might want to register with another username. You can keep using Jaky as a nick though as you can always change your ingame nick, but just pick another username while registering. And make sure you use a legit e-mail so you can reset your password in future in case you forget it.

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